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  1. Chido

    Helping a hen gain weight

    Well the stuff in her crop passed so yay! But now Spaghetti is being a brat. Underweight as she is, she wouldn't touch the oatmeal concoction I made, but she ate some mealworms and ham. I also took he to an area of the yard where there's a lot of dirt and tiny clovers, and she ate some greens...
  2. Chido

    Helping a hen gain weight

    I dewormed my flock about a month ago with Ivermectin. One of the hens apparently had gapeworm because she had the symptoms, but then got better after the first dose. I don't know if it's too soon to deworm them again. Spaghetti's crop didn't really empty much during the night. She is passing a...
  3. Chido

    Helping a hen gain weight

    The thing is that she won't eat much of anything I prepare for her. She keeps trying to eat grass and clovers, so I've been keeping her outside the run and put her feed and water near the kitchen door. There's a covered porch and pots where she can hide if she feels like it, and we have a 112...
  4. Chido

    Helping a hen gain weight

    My barred rock hen Spaghetti has finally recovered from a nasty respiratory infection and she is eating on her own, the thing is, she is very underweight. It's been a week since she got better, but the poor thing is pretty much skin and bones. She eats some of her pellets if I soak them in water...
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