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    Anyone ever tried freezing their ducks eggs?

    Quote: Hey, you could always try freezing your chickens eggs? I think my eggs are donr freezing now... Gonna go check... I am going to freeze some of my chicken eggs, glad I have 3 dozen in the frig. because today I only got 2 eggs. Them girls are slowing down. Good idea! Stock up on eggs! Lol!

    Anyone ever tried freezing their ducks eggs?

    Quote: Good idea! Hey ML go to SMs thread and read up! We are missing you, and I have news! (you can read it there!) Hey, you could always try freezing your chickens eggs? I think my eggs are donr freezing now... Gonna go check...

    Anyone ever tried freezing their ducks eggs?

    Quote: Good idea! Hey ML go to SMs thread and read up! We are missing you, and I have news! (you can read it there!)

    Anyone ever tried freezing their ducks eggs?

    Quote: Did you use salt or sugar for yours? I guess I should be happy as my girls are still laying an egg a day (pekin and runner) Yes, a tad bit of salt in each...

    Anyone ever tried freezing their ducks eggs?

    Quote: WOW !!! Awesome! X2!!! Thanks gals!

    Anyone ever tried freezing their ducks eggs?

    Sure! Now they want ducks once you got rid of them! glad you got rid of the ones you wanted to get rid of I was praying for you!

    Anyone ever tried freezing their ducks eggs?

    Just put six in the freezer! See:

    Anyone ever tried freezing their ducks eggs?

    Quote: no! In the frig! Are you crazy!? Those are baby ducks! I wont eat a baby duck for a million bucks! I know I was just kidding you. i know! going to try now! Will use them next month sometime I guess! I want to save every egg I get for the freezer! I love fryed eggs, but I only...

    Anyone ever tried freezing their ducks eggs?

    Quote: OH NO not the ones you have in the Bator?.................. no! In the frig! Are you crazy!? Those are baby ducks! I wont eat a baby duck for a million bucks!
  10. DUCKGIRL89

    Anyone ever tried freezing their ducks eggs?

    I found out a great way to freeze them! Crack them open, seperate the yolk, from the white, and freeze them in ice cube trays! Im gonna try it! Oh, and once they are frozen, put the white cubes in one bag, and yolks in the other! I am gonna try it with the six duck eggs I have now!
  11. DUCKGIRL89

    Anyone ever tried freezing their ducks eggs?

    Lol. My mom wanted to freeze whole eggs, and make devled eggs with them later.... I dont think it will work...
  12. DUCKGIRL89

    Anyone ever tried freezing their ducks eggs?

    well, looks like I cant do that (it was my moms idea....) But you usually use a differnt amount of eggs every time..
  13. DUCKGIRL89

    Anyone ever tried freezing their ducks eggs?

    Hey, im going to I want deviled eggs.... Only with homegrow duck eggs for thanksgiving
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