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  1. Annie's Backyard Flock

    Hens Stopped Laying After Stressful Episode

    I am now getting 4 eggs each day. The RSL and Rocks are doing really well. The shells are perfect in size and color. The Cuckoo Marans have not laid an egg since the 11th of November. I really am wondering why. The one Marans is the leader and the other is the lowest on the pecking order of the...
  2. Annie's Backyard Flock

    Hens Stopped Laying After Stressful Episode

    UPDATE: On Wednesday the 30th, I finally got an egg. Each day since then, the girls have been "coming back on-line". The RSL and Barred Rocks are producing each day. The Marans are still on strike. I found both pin and flight feathers of all kinds in the coop. I'm hoping that they are just...
  3. Annie's Backyard Flock

    Hens Stopped Laying After Stressful Episode

    Well, the hens have not laid an eggs yet. It is now 5 days. Hoping that they snap out of it. We have had a few more "conversations" since they stopped laying. I have put them back on the schedule that I had them on before I left. I guess I'm worried about leaving for a vacation again. I don't...
  4. Annie's Backyard Flock

    Hens Stopped Laying After Stressful Episode

    I need advice: I went on vacation for 9 days. I had a relative stay at my house to take care of the dogs, cat and chickens. He is a college age guy, so I tried to make it as easy as possible. I have a feeding system that requires only minimal attention. Water needed to be replaced every other...
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