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  1. LoneCowboy

    Feather Picking & Chicken Psychology 101...Come on in *Pics*

    Blu-Kote didn't work for me and my chickens look like you discribed, and I don't have a roo. Do you have red sexlinks? or RIR in there?
  2. LoneCowboy

    Feather Picking & Chicken Psychology 101...Come on in *Pics*

    Blu-Kote did not work for me. Nothing has worked. No, I don't have a roo in with them. I'm going to add one in hopes that he can kick a little pullet butt and get them to stop. Unfortunately the one I want to add is a wuz. He's a big black orp but even his hens push him around. If they...
  3. LoneCowboy

    Feather Picking & Chicken Psychology 101...Come on in *Pics*

    Whatever you do, stop it NOW!! I have a coop full of bare backed hens because I can't get them to stop. I'm afraid I'm going to have to take the 5 red sexlinks out but then they all have the habit now so I'm not sure it will help. I'm trying to get ready to put 6 new birds in there so I let...
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