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  1. chicken_boy_Kurt

    BYC member Most Likely to..........

    no one really MLT: always have at least one 'bator on?
  2. chicken_boy_Kurt

    BYC member Most Likely to..........

    77horses MLT never get off the computer except to feed their chickens?
  3. chicken_boy_Kurt

    BYC member Most Likely to..........

    chickenlover98? MLT be in love with an evil silkie?
  4. chicken_boy_Kurt

    BYC member Most Likely to..........

    greyfields MLT start random threads every time they get on
  5. chicken_boy_Kurt

    BYC member Most Likely to..........

    graceful bantams MLT be given Pippi by me
  6. chicken_boy_Kurt

    BYC member Most Likely to..........

    you am I MLT be on an IM "program" all day talkign to people
  7. chicken_boy_Kurt

    BYC member Most Likely to..........

    Quote: a lot of people on BYC MLT go out in sneakers with no socks and a hoodie in the winter with snow on the ground?
  8. chicken_boy_Kurt

    BYC member Most Likely to..........

    why would anyone like scratch grains? MLT spam this thread with chat *cough*
  9. chicken_boy_Kurt

    BYC member Most Likely to..........

    a lot of people MLT have no chickens?
  10. chicken_boy_Kurt

    BYC member Most Likely to..........

    me and you MLT have a chicken on their lap while on BYC
  11. chicken_boy_Kurt

    BYC member Most Likely to..........

    PP MLT raise ducks for meat but not be able to butcher them cuz they were too cute?
  12. chicken_boy_Kurt

    BYC member Most Likely to..........

    me and PP again same Q
  13. chicken_boy_Kurt

    BYC member Most Likely to..........

    that woudl definately be me MLT stay on BYC until 2 in teh morning?
  14. chicken_boy_Kurt

    BYC member Most Likely to..........

    littlechickenracingteam MLT move to the middle east to save all the chickens from Avian Influenza (and maybe some people if they're in the mood)?
  15. chicken_boy_Kurt

    BYC member Most Likely to..........

    :o You guys have your own personal PurpleChicken's?! I want one! lol JK Uuuuuuuuum Justino. MLT be the second person to 10K posts (sorry speckledhen it would be too easy if I said the first)?
  16. chicken_boy_Kurt

    BYC member Most Likely to..........

    Nifty MLT beat someone to a post every time.
  17. chicken_boy_Kurt

    BYC member Most Likely to..........

    dangerouschicken MLT own every breed of American chicken.
  18. chicken_boy_Kurt

    BYC member Most Likely to..........

    Quote: me MLT have more ducks than human family members (every living family member).
  19. chicken_boy_Kurt

    BYC member Most Likely to..........

    Well speckledhen if Nifty doesn't watch out. MLT not post anymore because they want to be Chillin with Their Peeps forever.
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