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  1. ClareScifi

    How Do I Acclimate Him?

    He is doing fine, is still in the solarium. He goes out during the days when it is nice and plays with the hens out there. I keep the other 2 roosters apart from him. He chases the hens, and they run. He's not aggressive, and when they run away, he doesn't chase them down and attack them for...
  2. ClareScifi

    How Do I Acclimate Him?

    Very good idea, suzeqf! Thanks for sharing it!
  3. ClareScifi

    How Do I Acclimate Him?

    I forgot I had posted here. Thanks for the crate info, everyone. I just now read it. I can relate to that Senior rooster pecking the young one through the cage. When I've put my little Roo in the cage in the coop, the StepMama was very aggressive with him, pecking him through the cage. But...
  4. ClareScifi

    How Do I Acclimate Him?

    Thanks for the info. I don't have a basement nor a garage and nowhere cool to keep him. The solarium is it. The chickens in the coop don't roost. They sleep on a nesting box that is just off the ground, all piled together. There is a shelf they could roost on, but they aren't interested in...
  5. ClareScifi

    How Do I Acclimate Him?

    I have a 9 week old rooster I have raised indoors in a heated room. His mother and a brother nearly pecked him to death when he was born, and I rescued him. The StepMama still hates him. I now find out he must be reintroduced to the flock or he will try to mate with me, as he thinks I am his...
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