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  1. Lollipop

    Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

    Had me goin there, LW. Good one........Pop
  2. Lollipop

    Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

    Hmmm, I learned this method from an uncle when I was 11. He was a county ag agent and it's worked for me for 54 years. Nothing is written in stone with fowl and I'm not saying my method is better than yours, just that it has always worked for me........Pop
  3. Lollipop

    Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

    To determine if a chicken is laying or not pick them off the roost at night one at a time and tuck them under your arm facing rearward. Then feel of the pelvic bones UNDER the vent. If you can lay 3 fingertips between the bones, the hen is laying. Less than 3, she is not. Consider the size of...
  4. Lollipop

    Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

    You are fortunate that all went so smoothly. Usually after 2 nights on a new roost, that is home to a chicken, so they should be fine to free range with the others. Now, whether they come in out of the rain? That may be a different story. Good luck.........Pop
  5. Lollipop

    Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

    Never vaccinated anything, Wassabi. Only time I ever did was after an outbreak of pox, then I found out that it would run it's course and be over with, even if I did nothing. Other diseases aren't so forgiving, but I see no need unless ya got a problem. Your call on the mareks........Pop
  6. Lollipop

    Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

    I'm a cull kinda guy, especially if she isn't better in a few days. Tupentine, LOL. Sounds like one of my grannies remedies..........Pop
  7. Lollipop

    Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

    I suppose, if they are/were all plugged up, it could lead to death.........Pop
  8. Lollipop

    Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

    Hannah, Dunno if this will help, but I would certainly try it before culling the bird. The white discharge from the vent (pasty butt), is actually urine. Pasty butt is a symptome of constipation, believe it or not. When the bowels are blocked, the urine is all that can escape and lacking the...
  9. Lollipop

    Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

    Hey Dingle, welcome to BYC. Glad you caught on right away, but the truth is, many people don't. Also there are situations that arrise that have a lot of folks stumped. Now I get really frustrated with the day in and day out repetitive questions, just like a lot of folks. However, I'm here to...
  10. Lollipop

    Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

    1)Yes they will keep them reasonably together, but their protective duties are usually limited to sounding an alarm for winged predators. Very rare that any rooster will defend against ground preds and those that do usually sacrifice their lives. 2) Barred Rocks are as capable as most any...
  11. Lollipop

    Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

    Yup, like Bobbi, I would give her some time, even a month or so. I've experience this several times over the years and sometimes they just need time to collect themselves. Even if she continues to limp, she probably will be able to have an otherwise normal, productive life. When it come to...
  12. Lollipop

    Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

    You're gonna find that any strangers won't get along. Sometimes, with the more docile breeds, things go relatively smooth, but there's always a pecking order thing. The key seems to be giving them a lot of room for the weaker ones to escape and/or hide. The breeds I am most passionate about are...
  13. Lollipop

    Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

    Most of the time the older ones will eat the younger ones alive. You can try it, but be prepared.You can feed them all grower.......Pop
  14. Lollipop

    Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

    Ron, what you have read is SOP. If you don't do something, they will eat each other to death. Pet stores usually carry an anti peck spray in the bird section. Mine is supposed to taste like sour apples and it's very good stuff and doesn't make the mess that blucoat does. You probably will have...
  15. Lollipop

    Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

    Funny one Walt! Impressive showing by Suzann. I`m in FL now, picking up a trio of O Shamo from my friend, Jay Blue (George McCallister). My area of interrest is pit birds and not show birds. I find it very interresting to note that one of the hens in my trio is missing her tail. All of it...
  16. Lollipop

    Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

    54 years with fowl. I'll be 65 in March. It's in my sig, but it seems not many folks read sigs..........Pop
  17. Lollipop

    Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

    It all depends on the individual. I believe barnyard breeds are much more prone to man aggression than gamefowl. When Walt said that oriental breeds are less trustworthy than other breeds, I'm sure he was reffering to their aggression toward each other and not toward humans. Oriental games are...
  18. Lollipop

    Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

    I agree with Bee 100% on which rooster to keep and also like she said, it appears that you need both for your breeding pens. I like a rooster that asserts himself as long as he doesn't attack a human. That's just being a rooster. They're built like that. The Brahma may be what you need for...
  19. Lollipop

    Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

    Quote: Welcome aboard, clem. Is your lone goose lonely? Mine always get very distraught when I get down to one........Pop
  20. Lollipop

    Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

    Quote: "Freezer Camp" is also a way to talk about your plans for your extra roos in front of underage children who would scream and faint away if they knew you were going to KILL IT and EAT IT. I "process" my birds when talking to adults and send them to "Freezer camp" when there are...
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