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  1. HappyPlace

    Indoor Duck Questions...

    I figured if I did'nt understand the how or why, I would never know if I were doing something right or wrong or if what I was doing could be done better. I'm one of those people that does'nt grasp the concept of good 'nuff. Not OCD by any stretch of the imagination..but I believe that knowledge...
  2. HappyPlace

    Indoor Duck Questions...

    Miss Lydia, I will be getting Cayugas (though not for a while). I have always admired the breed and reading about them on this forum (and others), I am even more enamored by them. Duckdad, I LOVE your posts about your ducks. I love that you write so in-depth about them and really share your...
  3. HappyPlace

    Indoor Duck Questions...

    My favorite thing about this forum is the people who take time to talk about their own experiences. It seems like if I wanted a male duck, it would be best to just get him a mate and leave them outside, while a female would be okay indoors but wouldn't know how to use her "indoor voice"...
  4. HappyPlace

    Indoor Duck Questions...

    Duckdad, besides being entertaining, your stories are very informative. I appreciate your detail. It really helps in figuring this out. Thank you to everyone still (or just now) responding to this thread. You have all been very helpful - even those encouraging me to keep ducks outdoors...
  5. HappyPlace

    Indoor Duck Questions...

    Thank you everyone for responding to my questions. Duckdad and Lovesgliders, I truly appreciate your honesty over the duck mess and pens. Your details certainly gave me things to consider... For those that are expressing concern about an indoor duck: I have no delusions about this. I know...
  6. HappyPlace

    Indoor Duck Questions...

    I actually don't plan on having house ducks (or ducks at all) until I have my own place, so this may be a while... I believe in doing research and preparation before the project, though. I appreciate everyone for their advice. This is exactly what I'm looking for - the good and bad. I have...
  7. HappyPlace

    Indoor Duck Questions...

    I have been considering having two indoor cayuga ducks and I was hoping that those people on this forum that have indoor ducks could answer some questions... I've been reading a bit about duck diapers. How long do those people that use them keep them on their ducks? Is it an all day thing...
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