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  1. Stacykins

    How do E-bay auctions work??

    Quote: A good system with AB, as you've noticed that bid items get more attention, is to watch auctions you want but NOT bid. Allow them to end. Then contact the seller with an offer amount and ask them to make a buy it now listing for you to snap up asap. Solves that whole competition thing...
  2. Stacykins

    How do E-bay auctions work??

    Quote: You totally sound like me when I bid on eBay, ahaha. But I will bid early, just to get my foot in the door. When I am ALWAYS on the moment the bid is ending, even if it is like, 2am.
  3. Stacykins

    How do E-bay auctions work??

    They cannot see your price. They just happen to put their highest price above yours. I know eBay is all about trying to vie for the lowest price, but when an item is popular (sounds like it), then things are more competitive. I'd suggest increasing your highest price to the absolute maximum that...
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