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  1. WriterofWords

    A lone, Canadian Goose?

    Aren't they though? No sign of a huge group flying over waiting or anything, just like 3 showed up and said "Yo dude! Let's go!" and off they went!
  2. WriterofWords

    A lone, Canadian Goose?

    I'm happy, I don't know if it was part of his/her group, but at least they came and got it. I was worried about being around the school while we were out for 3 weeks.
  3. WriterofWords

    A lone, Canadian Goose?

    Ok, this morning, no goose, at lunch, goose, at 2, ............................ 4 goose!!! Errrr Geese! At 2:30, 4 geese flying away! I don't know where the others came from, but when we went outside to walk to the buses at 2:09 there were 4 geese standing behind my portable, by the time the...
  4. WriterofWords

    A lone, Canadian Goose?

    I don't think it's a pet, I really do think it's lost and hanging around. We get out on Thursday until Jan 5th, I'll be checking on it to see if it's still there.
  5. WriterofWords

    A lone, Canadian Goose?

    Sorry, had an after school presentation with all of our afterschool programs and I just got home. We only saw the goose once today, it's been rainy and icky all day so we weren't outside much. I took some scratch with me this morning and put it outside on the side of my portable when we went in...
  6. WriterofWords

    A lone, Canadian Goose?

    Thank you, I've read part of that before, it's so interesting! The part at the end about the two other geese,, either his buddies thought he was dead and left them, or no one noticed he was gone!
  7. WriterofWords

    A lone, Canadian Goose?

    We got flocks of birds flying over head, we love to watch them switching positions, trading leaders, etc. This is the first goose though, it's a beautiful bird! I have geese that live near me, I hear them all the time, I'm about 2 miles from the school. I keep hoping it will find a group going...
  8. WriterofWords

    A lone, Canadian Goose?

    I've never see the geese fly over us, that is one reason I'm so surprised it's here. When I left school it was standing near one of the portables.
  9. WriterofWords

    A lone, Canadian Goose?

    lol No, we don't have parks let alone geese! We are desert community, no water or anything they would find attractive.
  10. WriterofWords

    A lone, Canadian Goose?

    That is what I was thinking, it got sick or hurt and got left to heal or get well?
  11. WriterofWords

    A lone, Canadian Goose?

    We have had one lone goose flying over our portable all day calling over and over for the group it was with I guess. It has landed a couple of times right outside my window, takes a break, then up it goes, circling the school honking at the top of it's lungs. We don't usually see geese around...
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