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  1. Lagniappe Alpacas

    Is this a girl or boy EE?

    Thanks for all the help everyone. I'm pretty sure this will turn out to be a pullet. We had 8 roos packed in with our all pullet order and we have 8 white chickens that I thought were rocks, but they were identified as white leghorns and they have to be the roos because their combs are so large...
  2. Lagniappe Alpacas

    Is this a girl or boy EE?

    Any more guesses on this one?
  3. Lagniappe Alpacas

    Is this a girl or boy EE?

    Forgot to put just over 6 weeks old.
  4. Lagniappe Alpacas

    Is this a girl or boy EE?

    I ordered some female chicks and they packed them with 8 roos and I'm trying to identify them. This is one of my Easter eggers. Boy or girl?
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