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  1. Bullitt

    best foraging chicken breed

    I will not try to convince you, because Black Australorps are better all-around chickens than Welsumers. The Black Australorp is a dual-purpose chicken that will lay about 250 eggs a year. The Black Australorp does not go broody often, but all you need is one hen to go broody each year to...
  2. Bullitt

    best foraging chicken breed

    Oh, you want a sustainable breed. Then you do not want Sex-Link chickens. And you said you do not like Rhode Island Red roosters. Production Reds are just Rhode Island Reds bred for production. You are looking for a sustainable breed that reproduces on its own, forages well, lays well, and...
  3. Bullitt

    best foraging chicken breed

    If you want brown eggs, I suggest you get production reds or one of the Sex-Link varieties. You will get nearly 300 eggs a year in the first year out of one of those hens.
  4. Bullitt

    best foraging chicken breed

    The world record for chicken laying was set in 1979 by a White Leghorn that laid 371 eggs in 364 days. So a hen can lay more than one egg a day, but just barely.
  5. Bullitt

    best foraging chicken breed

    Perdue County? As in Perdue Chickens? They would have white birds for meat, of course. There are many varieties of chickens that are all white, such as the White Plymouth Rock or Rhode Island White, and they are great chickens. And white chickens are preferred for meat because when the...
  6. Bullitt

    best foraging chicken breed

    If you want dual-purpose chickens (meat and eggs), most of the breeds you listed are not dual-purpose breeds because they are not good for meat. However, Dominique, often called "Dominicker," is a good dual-purpose breed that forages well and will reproduce on its own. That is why this breed...
  7. Bullitt

    best foraging chicken breed

    I think you would do well with any of those breeds, because they are all hardy and lay eggs well. I think the varieties of Brown Leghorn are better than the White Leghorn for free ranging, because their colors allow them to hide better from predators. If you are in a cold region, you can get...
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