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  1. rSpriggs

    best foraging chicken breed

    Thanks! I've sent a note to him; we'll see how that works. At this point, it's worth buying into a good line.
  2. rSpriggs

    best foraging chicken breed

    Thank you both for lending confirmation to my leanings! TFC, your BAs have remarkable clockwork! That's worth developing as a line, right there! I've primarily dealt with Cackle, MMcM, Meyer & Dunlap in the past; Where's your favorite source for good Black Australorps? Thanks in advance, to all...
  3. rSpriggs

    best foraging chicken breed

    Thinking back, I've had good experiences with Black Australorps, better than Buff Orps and, I believe, more productive than Barred Rocks. Maybe these Welsumers (who are intimidated by earthworms) will be replaced by BAs. Convince me otherwise, if you can . . . Thanks! Russ
  4. rSpriggs

    best foraging chicken breed

    Wasn't aware of the rare broodiness of the Barred; I've had some, but not enough to note that - Thanks! Yup, I was looking at Doms a few posts back, I've had Buffs, & need to re-check them. trying to recall if they were good foragers. It would be nice if the various lines didn't stray so far...
  5. rSpriggs

    best foraging chicken breed

    Worth noting, thanks!
  6. rSpriggs

    best foraging chicken breed

    I've been at this for 10-12 yrs &have a pretty good list of what has worked. Last dedicated breed was Delawares. They were fine in all respects except they liked standing in the chow line. As the coordinator for, I'm more interested in sustainability - foraging & propagating...
  7. rSpriggs

    best foraging chicken breed

    Good comparative info on the Buckeyes - Thanks!
  8. rSpriggs

    best foraging chicken breed

    First 4 came from a local feed store, next batch came from a local Vet Sci gal who had mixed birds, all purebred. Strongly comparing Barred Rocks (which I've had) vs Dominiques (not) for replacement
  9. rSpriggs

    best foraging chicken breed

    Just as a couple folks were trying to woo me into keeping these MOST useless birds, along you come with a major reality check . . . I must say, I've had dozens of breeds, and I've never been as pi$$ed off at one like I am at these!
  10. rSpriggs

    best foraging chicken breed

    Thanks for the reply . . . I provide light reluctantly, as I really strive toward sustainability. However, here in N Idaho, days are REALLY short in winter & I wanted to remove "light" as an excuse for not laying!
  11. rSpriggs

    best foraging chicken breed

    Egads. I'd never read the part (although I've looked for it!!) about up to 9 months to lay!!! And, I've been spoiled by 5-month Delawares. I'm really looking at sustainability here, in N Idaho, so the only way they can justify their future existence is by being VERY steady egg layers for at...
  12. rSpriggs

    best foraging chicken breed

    sorry, duplicate.
  13. rSpriggs

    best foraging chicken breed

    I took the advice of those proponents of Welsumers, and, so far, have been overwhelmingly disappointed! I bought 4 pullets & 1 cockerel in Apr / May 2016, and have only been getting ONE egg every 3 days. This being nearly Jan, that's pretty poor. The brown eggs are speckled, not very dark...
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