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  1. CityGirlintheCountry

    Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

    Ooooohhhhhh... somehow zits are less scary than hives. I think steroids CAN make you break out with zits. I pretty much attribute all things horrible to steroids. I hate being on them. Ugg. They do seem to screw with your hormones. Poor Ken. :(
  2. CityGirlintheCountry

    Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

    Prednisone should not make him break out. High doses might make him hungry and full of energy. It always changes my personality (that filter that keeps you from saying every little thing that runs through your head dissolves when I am on it and I say all the mean things that I normally don't...
  3. CityGirlintheCountry

    Life is changing for us, and it is not for a positive reason

    Oh, Debi, I am so sorry. You and Ken will be in my prayers. Please let us know how we can help YOU.
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