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  1. HCFarms96

    Imagination Station

    OMGoodness, I forgot about my own thread! Thanks for keep this alive, guys. New Assignment! What if everyone in the world was illiterate?
  2. HCFarms96

    Imagination Station

    Um, what?
  3. HCFarms96

    Imagination Station

    Ah, I see what you mean. It's a shame how our society has gotten away from "You want it, you work for it" and gone to "I want it, I want it now, I want someone else to get it for me." Okay, new Assignment! This one kind of goes hand in hand with the last one, but coming from a different angle...
  4. HCFarms96

    Imagination Station

    Ah, sorry, I didn't realise you posted between Magic Birdie and I. I was asking her what she meant.
  5. HCFarms96

    Imagination Station

    How do you mean?
  6. HCFarms96

    Imagination Station

    Okay, new Assignment! What if there were no more grocery stores? As in, None Whatsoever. You want it, you grow it, or you buy it from a friend/relative/random-person-on-the-street.
  7. HCFarms96

    Imagination Station

    Quote: That is a blessing. May parents are not divorced and never will be, but I have some Aunts and Uncles and Cousins who are.
  8. HCFarms96

    Imagination Station

    That is very true. The meaning of family is already diminishing in the eyes of our society today. And yes, we do need to pray for the salvation of our nation's leaders. We need to return to being "One nation, under God, indivisible", not just "One nation, indivisible". We need to bring back the...
  9. HCFarms96

    Imagination Station

    That is very well said.
  10. HCFarms96

    Imagination Station

    Alright then, let's do it! Starting now...
  11. HCFarms96

    Imagination Station

    Great! What is it?
  12. HCFarms96

    Imagination Station

    Based off an idea from Magic Birdie: What if there was no gravity?
  13. HCFarms96

    Imagination Station

    Just throwing this out there - if you can't think of a good title you really like when you sign up, you can always PM to to change it later. I am loving this discussion! We're getting a lot of good ideas here. Keep 'em coming! New Assignment tomorrow.
  14. HCFarms96

    Imagination Station

    Very good! I didn't just start this thing to see what other people think about stuff. I started this so we could learn, use our imaginations, and really think. So let's learn.
  15. HCFarms96

    Imagination Station

    Alright, these are all very good ideas. But let's dig a little deeper, hm? For example: Quote: Exactly, but! If everyone always talked in sign language, those things would never have existed in the first place, correct? Quote: But, if people always talked in sign language, no one...
  16. HCFarms96

    Imagination Station

    Next Assignment: What if people only talked in sign language, and there was no verbal communication at all? {Hint: Try talking in sign language with your family and friends all day }
  17. HCFarms96

    Imagination Station

    Okie, new Assignment tomorrow morning! Put your Imagining hat on Disputing just means arguing, what can be bad about that? Banny?
  18. HCFarms96

    Imagination Station

    A Whole Entire Week? I would die.
  19. HCFarms96

    Imagination Station

    Okay, could you two {WW and chicklover} PM me your forms? I'll put a new assignment up as soon as I get the PM's.
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