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  1. nikiweaver03

    Serious Injury, please help!

    It's ok Steve, no offense taken. I really appreciate the suggestions because you never know what will work. I'm still concerned since we weren't able to get the wound pulled together and glued, and while honey has proven very effective for us, it's nice to have back up options. Nothing works...
  2. nikiweaver03

    Serious Injury, please help!

    We will definitely take her in for a shot if she gets infected. I'm SO glad to hear that they can heal from these types of things. The missing one was still not back at bedtime, so I'm sad knowing that we probably lost her. We lost one other to racoons last year because they broke into the...
  3. nikiweaver03

    Serious Injury, please help!

    And we had one disappear last summer. It's so heartbreaking. :(
  4. nikiweaver03

    Serious Injury, please help! Honey is a natural antibiotic. it prevents bacterial growth and aids in healing. It has been proven to be more effective that antibiotic creams in healing burns and abrasions and I know of vet techs who have used it, particularly...
  5. nikiweaver03

    Serious Injury, please help!

    I have been checking on her throughout the day, and she seems to be doing fine. She's eating and drinking and has tried to jump out of the box a couple of times. We put a laundry basket over top of the box to keep her safe and we are going to build her a small pen inside tomorrow. She let me...
  6. nikiweaver03

    Serious Injury, please help!

    Thank you so much for all your advice! I will see what we can do with some super glue. Hopefully the skin will not be too stiff from sitting so long and we can get it pulled together. I'm not sure that we can because I think it may have been ripped off rather than just torn open (there's a...
  7. nikiweaver03

    Serious Injury, please help!

    Thank you so much for your reply. If we can keep it from getting infected, can they heal from an injury like that? And Thank you, I'm glad to be here. I've been a huge fan of this site and referenced it many times since we got our girls last year. I just wish it wasn't such a terrible...
  8. nikiweaver03

    Serious Injury, please help!

    Hello everyone, I have an injured girl and I'm hoping to get some advice. We have a small flock of 12 free range girls, and last night the wind blew the door to the coop closed before they had all gone to roost. A few were stuck outside and had found other places around our property to sleep...
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