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  1. ninjapoodles

    Is turkey poult behavior normal?

    Quote: Thanks--I needed to hear that! Today they all have brand-new "big" feathers poking sideways out of their wings, and they're hopping around to beat the band. I REALLY love the personalities on the little dopes. Belinda
  2. ninjapoodles

    Is turkey poult behavior normal?

    Thanks for the input. We have feed scattered on newspaper and in feeders. We thought maybe the crumbles were too large, too, so we are smashing them up with a mallet before feeding now.
  3. ninjapoodles

    Is turkey poult behavior normal?

    We've had 15 Narragansett turkey poults for three days now. They're really different from baby chicks, so we're not sure what to expect. They're active and curious and alert...the only thing that concerns me is that they don't seem to eat much! Is that normal for turkeys, compared to chicks...
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