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  1. C


    Was out of town for a bit, but they seem to be fine.
  2. C


    The two are still alive. One had pasty butt, but coconut oil worked wonders on it.
  3. C


    I opened the last egg to find a dead chick. I took pictures of the eggs with some development. Will try to post later. One of the hatched chicks has a little pasty butt. I tried to get most of it off, but there is still some poop on it. I didn’t have Vaseline or olive oil or a cotton swab...
  4. C


    So I did candle the remaining four in a room with no light and was able to tell that they were all non viable. One looked infertile. When I cracked it open it looked like an egg from the grocery store gone bad. I opened two more. There had been some development, but I think stopped around day 5...
  5. C


    Thank you so much. I’m feeling a little more optimistic. All along the way I have tried candling, but have had difficulty seeing. Part of the problem is finding a dark enough place. I will try candling them again when I get to work. Just thought of a place. Will let you know how it goes, and...
  6. C


    Hi All, I went in to check on the chicks and the eggs. I put the two chicks in the brooder/box that I made up. They ate and drank fairly quickly. They discovered the warmer and fell asleep beneath it. I think that the other eggs are a goner. There was no movement from any of them while I was...
  7. C


    Here’s a picture.
  8. C


    SO, two of them hatched overnight or early this morning while the library was actually quiet. The one that I suspect hatched first was the Black Australorp (from Lg dark brown egg). It had been very active most of yesterday. I think that the green egg (Carolina Blue Sex Link) hatched after. The...
  9. C


    Well, four of the eggs move regularly. The other two not so much. One is definitely pipping, possibly two are. We definitely heard cheeping! THEY’RE ALIVE!!! :-)
  10. C


    Went to work this morning and had one of the most wonderful experiences ever. Four of the eggs MOVED!!!
  11. C


    Hello, I am trying to hatch 6 eggs. This is my first attempt at hatching. I have had several requests for the chicks, but if they don’t pan out and the eggs do hatch, then I will let you know. They should hatch by Sunday. Am in the Baltimore area.
  12. C


    Hello, According to the list that I received from myPetChicken, they are: 1. Carolina Blue Sex Link 2. Bantam Buff Brahma 3. BBS Cochins 4. Black Australorp 5. Easter Egger 6. Salmon Favorelle 7. Mystery Egg
  13. C


    Hello, am new to backyard chickens. Am trying to hatch 7 eggs as an educational project. If any of them hatch, I want to have good homes lined up for them. My preference would be that they be kept as pets. The person who expressed interest in taking them has been incommunicado. If anyone is...
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