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  1. pookiethebear

    Stupid yucks...

    I have only ever had duck once, it was our thanksgiving turducken that we did 2 years ago. It was fantastic! Now I have a troublesome chicken and these tasty looking pekins.....and a turkey in the freezer....hummmmm........
  2. pookiethebear

    Stupid yucks...

    oh I like my yucks much more now that they are out of my basement!! They have a big open area for their pen. It is not topped and the sides are only 2.5' they can't go over it, so they had to have went under it. They only did it once and have not even tried to escape again. So I think...
  3. pookiethebear

    Stupid yucks...

    My three seem to be loving it outside as opposed to the basement. I try to corrall them into their box once a day and I put their food near their box so they know it is there....guess I am just being overly worried. We are enjoying them much more that they are outside!!
  4. pookiethebear

    Stupid yucks...

    ok we finally got the outside area done for the 3 stinky yucks. We put them out Friday afternoon. They now have about' x 50' square fenced in area with a kiddy pool and a nice box/home. I put them in the new area and hearded them to the kiddy pool so they would figure out how to get in and...
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