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  1. Rare Feathers Farm

    Horse not drinking?

    Quote: Yeah....he's actually very sweet & gentle. He's got 30 days on him, too. The rib thing was a freak accident--I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He's not got a mean bone in his body. I was being sarcastic with the $5k. I probably have $8k into him but I'm asking $1500. Which...
  2. Rare Feathers Farm

    Horse not drinking?

  3. Rare Feathers Farm

    Horse not drinking?

    Yeah and she said he needs to be rescued again. It hurt. The chestnut & two black horses are Peruvians. They are my horse of choice. The bay is an Andalusian x Arab.
  4. Rare Feathers Farm

    Horse not drinking?

    So as you can see...I do a lot of rescues. I do not do it for the money...because there is no money in rescues. I do it because I love horses. So please don't be upset if I sounded harsh in my last responses. I do take it personally when I feel like I'm being wrongfully attacked.
  5. Rare Feathers Farm

    Horse not drinking? are some photos of him when I first brought him home & a few months later. Oh and here is another horse I rescued, that I still own: Before After Oh and another one (before)... After One more:
  6. Rare Feathers Farm

    Horse not drinking?

    I added another salt block over there & he seems to be getting it figured out. Furthermore, what? Don't judge me. I work 50+ hours per week at a desk job, 20 miles from home. I get home at 6pm. I then feed/water all of the animals and then I cook dinner and then I usually have two hours of...
  7. Rare Feathers Farm

    Horse not drinking?

    Nope, he lived his first year of life in an 8 x 8 pen filled with poop up to his hocks. So that's not a possibility.
  8. Rare Feathers Farm

    Horse not drinking?

    Quote: Well, he has a selenium block (50#) so he's got free-choice access to salt...I've never heard of packing their lip, LOL I can just imagine that. LOL Although it wouldn't even be a challenge because his bottom lip is always flopping in the wind! I just bought him some electrolytes...
  9. Rare Feathers Farm

    Horse not drinking?

    Quote: Yeah, I've tried to walk him up to it, but the banks are kind of then you run into the situation where he'll take a flying leap right up your back. We decided it was best for him to just learn from the other horses which seem to have no problems.... We're going to move him...
  10. Rare Feathers Farm

    Horse not drinking?

    Quote: Yeah....I've dropped his price down to where I'm losing more than $5k on him, already. Right now I'm just asking enough for him so that I'll have my hay paid for my other horses. He's 100% sound...and the stream runs the length (well, about 150 acres of it) through the
  11. Rare Feathers Farm

    Horse not drinking?

    Quote: Well, what we're thinking is that since he's the low-man on the totem pole...he's the last to drink...and since everyone else has drank their fill, they walk away--leaving him & he panics. He must be getting some water or he would have perished by now...but he's sunken-in, so he doesn't...
  12. Rare Feathers Farm

    Horse not drinking?

    Quote: He wouldn't survive in the wild. LOL He's not very smart, at all. It is pretty's just been very hot here the last few days... My one baby (out of my mare) I bred the mare because I wanted a baby out of her. My "dream" horse was a black filly. Which I got. She's gorgeous...
  13. Rare Feathers Farm

    Horse not drinking?

    Ick, no thanks. LOL I could see if your pond was dried up & your horses & you HAD to do that...that's one thing..but this horse has cool, very clean water available at all times. He just is too stubborn or stupid to go down & drink from the stream. Everyone else is doing it...what's wrong with...
  14. Rare Feathers Farm

    Horse not drinking? we have 120 acres that adjoins 5,500 acres we can turn our horses out onto from June through November 1st. We lease it from the DNR. Which we do every summer because otherwise, we'd have to feed year 'round & with hay prices approaching $200/ton this year, there is no way we could...
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