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  1. the1much

    Help with my Chicken's (broken?) leg!

    have you tried putting her food just out of reach and see if she will go to it...isnt much you can really do other then make sure she getting food water she needs and keeping others from pickin on her. if its permament then she will learn to hop, but not if food is delivered right to her,, but...
  2. the1much

    Help with my Chicken's (broken?) leg!

    if she egg bound you would feel hard lump in "egg area" but its not that if she is hanging her leg off the roost like that.definit leg problem. if she doesnt thrash about or make alot of "leave me alone" gestures when you feel her she might of just had a sprain. when you feel from hips down feel...
  3. the1much

    Help with my Chicken's (broken?) leg!

    sounds like she dislocated it. does she not move her whole leg or can you feel her trying to move it from hips to knee. even if leg is a gonner, she will get used to it and start moving around, but is hard to watch at first.
  4. the1much

    Help with my Chicken's (broken?) leg!

    can you feel her leg? you should be able to feel a break. theres also hips that would make her not walk. she could of sprung it. i would make sure she gets plenty of fluids, and food. are you sure its a leg. some times egg bound and they act funny, but usually with that theres no appitite.
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