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  1. LilyD

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Chocolate Mouse~ I am right there with you. We have chickens and this year I did turkeys. We also have sheep, goats and pigs and will be getting a pair of ducks this upcoming year. We have 4 month old bull calves and are learning about them. So far I haven't butchered the bigger animals because...
  2. LilyD

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Meal worms is also a good source of protein and can be added as a top dressing to the fermented feed.
  3. LilyD

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Cool I am getting 25 chicks come march and I want to try this with them. They will be my first shipped chicks in a while so I am hoping that better feed will help the babies so they don't end up with pasty butt from shipping. So far the layers have loved it although it's funny almost to the bird...
  4. LilyD

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    We just had a grainary move into the neighborhood so I talked to the owner today about how much it would be to custom mix me a whole grain feed in 50lb bags using wheat, oat, barley, field peas and field corn to ferment and then top dress with a little kelp meal for added nutrients. He is...
  5. LilyD

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    It can't be split lentils or split peas it needs to be whole and raw. You sprout them the same as BOSS, actually the ones I sprout are in the mix of seeds with my BOSS. I find that when you sprout seeds they are much more nutrient dense as started plants than as the seeds they were before.
  6. LilyD

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Nope I agree, they seem to know more about it than me since I didn't know about the cyanide and they picked out all the lima beans before they ate their fermented feed lol. Lentils and field peas are always a big favorite. As are corn, BOSS, wheat, oats, and barley. They also like cooked rice...
  7. LilyD

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    From what they were saying they did a nutrient study on the lima beans and were able to find that those in the US had less cyanide than say soybeans in other countries. I think the cyanide in the fruits are only in the pits so as long as you pit the fruit you are safe.
  8. LilyD

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I just checked on it not sure if chickens are maybe more susceptible to the cyanide but they also say that cyanide is present in apples, peaches, barley and flax which are foods that I know are naturally occurring in chicken treats and feeds. I found this excerpt from the safer foods website...
  9. LilyD

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Another one that my chickens really like and that I have found in a lot of chicken feeds is lentils they are fed dry so I don't think they fit under the trypsin inhibitor category. I have also fed mung and adzuki beans that I sprouted and they love those as well.
  10. LilyD

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I can't find the article on here but here is one talking specifically about fermenting soy and how it removes the trypsin inhibitors from the beans.
  11. LilyD

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Yes I did hear that but also heard that when you sprout or ferment the grains that it changes those proteins and makes them edible by the chickens, I know that the great northerns were a hit, as were the pintos but my chickens will pick out lima beans and toss them on the floor. Sounds kind of...
  12. LilyD

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Back towards the beginning of the thread it was asked by someone if you can use dried beans in your fermented feed to increase the protein for layers who need a little more protein and calcium when they are producing eggs or moulting and getting new feathers. The answer that was given was that...
  13. LilyD

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I have been skulking around this forum for a while now and wanting to give it a try but as per usual I have to research things to death before I put them into action. I started the beginning of October feeding them more whole foods and less pelleted feed. I have found suppliers to get 50lb bags...
  14. LilyD

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Okay I will have to see what they have I was thinking of doing some pelleted and some grains but my main goal is to have them eat all their food before it gets eaten by the wild life. I can afford to feed the chickens but not every squirrel on the block. I also want my birds to be the healthiest...
  15. LilyD

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    What whole grains would you add to the layer for the mix and would you add more protein to the mix for meat birds if you were raising those as well?
  16. LilyD

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I would like to start fermented feeding with my layers. They eat the pellets fine but my problem is leaving free feeding out all the time for them is a waste because the squirrels and rats get in it and I end up feeding everyone but my chickens. I would like to do fermenting with grains rather...
  17. LilyD

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Has anyone tried this with birds like turkeys or ducks. I purchased 8 turkeys that have been doing well but even though I keep them very clean they really do smell. I am wondering if this will work for them as well.
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