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  1. Turkeytruff

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    thanks for understanding! So true! I remember completely grossing out someone at an Xmas dinner table once - my husband was trying to kick me under the table and got the next person to me and then my neice got up really quickly and ran to the washroom.... oops they say 90% of humour is based...
  2. Turkeytruff

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    smells like bitter almonds. When I used to be an ER nurse, one of the things I used to laugh about (black humour) was the Cyanide Antidote Kit. The whole point about it was that you had about a couple of minutes if you took cyanide so the only way it would be effective was if you waited to get...
  3. Turkeytruff

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Hi everyone, I have been feeding FF to my flock for 3 months now; my DH states that he can now taste the FF in the egg and its not nice! I can't (he is super sensitive to perfumes, cigerette smoke, colognes and other things). Is anyone else noticing a funny taste? I have also been putting...
  4. Turkeytruff

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Wow! what a SCORE!
  5. Turkeytruff

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    love it! You'll have me believing in flying pigs yet! On the FF, I have had great results but now one of the BCMs (a hen who has always been 'scrawny' but was the first to start laying again after I rescued them) has started looking less robust. She is still laying, bright eyed, and always...
  6. Turkeytruff

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Hi aoxa, I found the alfalfa cubes smelled disgusting and everyone turned their beaks up at it, including my turkeys who eat anything! But when I (with fear and trembling wondering if I would end up tossing the whole lot out ) put it in the FF, 12 hours later it smelled sweet and fruity and...
  7. Turkeytruff

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Hi Mumsy I have been reading about your amazing Johnny cakes and the saga of your rooster. Glad to hear you finally got your hens! what breeds are they? I live up on Vancouver Island and we have also had torrential rain and 2 outages. Think we need to get a generator! I have just yesterday...
  8. Turkeytruff

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Thank you, jchny2000, I'm so glad to be reading these forums, even though I'm staying up far too late! Such good information. Today I finally took the plunge and started some sprouting feed (oops different forum) for the winter. It will be interesting to see how that goes....
  9. Turkeytruff

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    holy cow I got to the end of this forum! (for about 90 nanoseconds I suspect ) Just throwing in my 2 cents - have been on FF for about 4 weeks now. My raggedy skanky lethargic BCM hens and 1 roo that I 'rescued' 5 weeks ago have filled out, their feathers are getting glossier by the day (had a...
  10. Turkeytruff

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    hey if you do start feeding it to your alpaca (or anyone else out there does) please let us know! Mine eat grass, get some hay and some alpaca pellets - I would love to know if FF is OK for them....
  11. Turkeytruff

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    thank you pigeon guy! He has stopped pulling feathers and I am hoping he was just going through some boredom stuff. The 2 bronze turkeys sometimes have a little 'dominance dance' & the one who starts it is the one who was eating the feathers... They have an enclosed (hawk wire overhead) space of...
  12. Turkeytruff

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Thank you for this! So by this account, I am not giving them enough protein - but by this account also not enough protein for my layers?? If 18% is the layer feed and I am only giving them FF, then do I seriously need to supplement everyone in the flock? Beekissed mentioned how much more...
  13. Turkeytruff

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    thank you Justahannah for the protein chart. Looking at this and reviewing FF backpages I guess I ought to put the turkey grower pellets into the FF to increase the protein content for my mixed turkey/ chicken flock. Your bucket looks great by the way! Looks like a good winter soup
  14. Turkeytruff

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    OOPS! I meant RE: the FF I put 3 parts oats, 3 parts wheat, 3 parts rye,3 parts BARLEY, and 2 cracked corn. THANKS!
  15. Turkeytruff

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Thank you Lacy Blues, Beekissed, and Pigeonguy! I really appreciate your replies. I know the dry turkey pellets are 23% vegetable protein. I will look and see what the calf manna is and if it is available locally. Re: the FF I put 3 parts oats, 3 parts wheat, 3 parts rye, and 2 parts cracked...
  16. Turkeytruff

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    'Seems there was some talk about rabbits not being able to eat corn I believe. So I'd wait till someone who has rabbits comes in, I feed both I am giving 20 chickens and about 8ducks 3cups of ff a day.I'll probably feed more when warm weather starts again in the spring, but I don't sit the ff...
  17. Turkeytruff

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Apologies if this is somewhere in the forums already. I have finally read all the FF info (wow!) and all the turkey forums and have been feeding 14 chickens (7 bantams and 7 'rescue' black copper marans that were in severe moult and also had scaly problems and some had twisted feet from living...
  18. Turkeytruff

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Apologies if this is somewhere in the forums already. I have finally read all the FF info (wow!) and all the turkey forums and have been feeding 14 chickens (7 bantams and 7 'rescue' black copper marans that were in severe moult and also had scaly problems and some had twisted feet from living...
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