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  1. chicken curious

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    FYI, I would assume the food will still be more digestible than non-fermented, but 'nuking' it will kill the good bacteria in the food.
  2. chicken curious

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    UP = unpasteurized the vinegar needs to be raw and have the 'mother'
  3. chicken curious

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I know it's mentioned on here ALL THE TIME, but I love that my coop doesn't smell! I thought that I might be desensitized to some mild smell, but NO...everyone who visits comments. :) I feel like a chicken ambassador. LOL Of course, I tried to explain WHY it didn't smell...heck, I have a...
  4. chicken curious

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I'm sorry. I get on BYC only once a day when I get the daily digest of threads I'm subscribed to. Thankfully, it looks like someone posted the label. Did you get what you needed? I can take a picture of what I have. Mine aren't crazy about milo/sorghum raw/hard, but eat it fermented so I'm...
  5. chicken curious

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    maryhysong, I'm avoiding GM crops and soy in our diets as well as the chickens' diets. For the chickens, this has meant avoiding corn and soy since I can't find/afford to order organic corn. I am new to chickens, but am going to tell you what I'm doing so you can research it and see if it'll...
  6. chicken curious

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I've only done ONE batch of layer chicks (but no one else has answered yet, so here goes...) I started them on a whole grain feed that was cracked/partially ground and just made sure that they had sand available as grit until the were big enough for fine grit. That was dry...before I learned...
  7. chicken curious

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    thanks, Bee. so you're not adding it repeatedly?
  8. chicken curious

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    you ladies crack me up! I have a question for knowledgeable fermenters and those who talked about adding garlic to their ferment: did the/would garlic cause any problems in the ferment? I ask because I know garlic is anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial, BUT I don't think it's...
  9. chicken curious

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    That's what I was thinking. And with my Biology degree I'm prone to experimenting (to a degree)! You might...but DH and kids are not so impressed! LOL At first DH walked into the garage and asked what kind of alcohol we were brewing (I brew kombucha and he brews beer so it was a reasonable...
  10. chicken curious

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I just got back in town (my mom was taking care of my kids and chickens). The ff smells closer to rotten than sour at this point (it went through the alcohol smell stage and the cheesy smell stage and then the sour smell stage). I think it's salvageable, but it does have some mold growth...
  11. chicken curious

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    As a food fermenter for people (~5 years) and a fermenter for chickens (~2 months), I'd say you can add yogurt to your feed if you want to. Whether the beneficial bacteria in the yogurt will multiply depends on the amount of established cultures already in there and the amount of remaining...
  12. chicken curious

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I make Kombucha too! :) I think you can just put some kombucha in the water and you'd get the same benefit as the acv: full of probiotics and alkaline forming plus the kombucha would also be full of b vitamins and other beneficial acids. I'm not an expert, just makes sense to me. I always...
  13. chicken curious

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    This might work great for grains, but to be honest, it sounds like way more work (and more to clean) than just a bucket that gets stirred a few times a day. I have a very large container going and I do need something longer than a spoon to stir, but it's bubbling along happily and is plenty...
  14. chicken curious

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Air needs to go in, too, for the beneficial bacteria and yeasts so an air lock wouldn't work in this case.
  15. chicken curious

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I'm sure someone more knowledgeable will chime in, but I'll go ahead and throw in my 2cents: corn raises the body temp because it's a lot of work to digest. Fermented foods are easier to digest in general (the beneficial bacteria in the ferment pre-digest the food and make all the nutrients...
  16. chicken curious

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    So if you also give them time to forage to meet their need to scratch and search then FF can meet their nutritional needs and foraging can meet their psychological needs?
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