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  1. fishermans wife

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Your sweet words touched me! In June he did the Pendleton mud run - a fund raiser for Wounded Warrior project. Being there, with wounded warriors present was so moving, and inspiring. We don't do enough for our folks in uniform as far as I am concerned. Thank you!
  2. fishermans wife

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Yep, Lord willing, he will be in bootcamp by spring (budget cuts is delaying a lot of these men and women from getting into bootcamp). He will be at MCRD then on to Pendleton for Rifleman training. So proud of him! He was seriously born for this! So excited for him to be able to see MCRD...
  3. fishermans wife

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    So sorry to hear of your loss! That would be devastating! You are one dedicated chicken lady! My son is joining the Marines in the spring, so there will be more trips down your direction in our future! We will have to keep in touch!
  4. fishermans wife

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I have been to China on two occasions, and wondered what those funny looking black chickens (dead and plucked of course) in the market were....well, now I know! Love my silkies! Won't eat them though! Perchie girl....I have a beautiful partridge roo you can have ! I will be with my son at...
  5. fishermans wife

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Thank you!
  6. fishermans wife

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    So glad I read this! Mine has been going a long time too - and with the heat lately, smells awful (vomit was the perfect word! )! I kept threatening to throw it, but the birds kept eating it! So, now I know it is all good!!! Thanks Beekissed!! Do you up the protein on the fermented feed...
  7. fishermans wife

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Has anyone ever asked, or know if the chicken poo from FF breaks down faster in the composter seeing as how it went in the beak end already somewhat broken down? OK, I am giggling as I write this...but I am really curious?
  8. fishermans wife

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I had the same issue last week and someone here suggested adding a tablespoon of dry yeast. I added a teaspoon as I already had ACV in it - and it started fermenting much better overnight!
  9. fishermans wife

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Just a quick question..... If FF makes them eat less, poop less, and makes there poop smell less.... can I feed it to my family?
  10. fishermans wife

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Ok Yeast worked beautifully! Thank so much! I put it out for them this morning for the first time - so I put about 1/4 cup of their regular feed on top to disguise it - they ate like pigs....and ate AROUND the regular feed! Some of these ladies are 4 years old!! I never dreamed they would...
  11. fishermans wife

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I did shake it up, but the bottle was very full, so maybe not mixed enough! I have tons of baking yeast - I think I will try that! Thanks so much!! excellent idea!
  12. fishermans wife

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Thanks! I am in S California - so no wood stove - house is 62-68 most of the time! Just don't want it to mold!
  13. fishermans wife

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I started FF for the first time about 36 hours ago - so excited! I stir at least 2 times a day, it is in the house - but it still shows no signs of fermentation? I originally put 1/4 cup of Braggs with mother in it , then added another "glug" last night as nothing was happening, that I can...
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