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  1. kelpieschick

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Yes and yes. :) I was surprised too. I thought that they would be smaller than that and i'd already promised the girls at work that I would get them small birds ha ha. I will let you know about flavour once the reports come rolling in! :)
  2. kelpieschick

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I think so! I have to crunch all the numbers still but from what I've read we went through less food than what would be expected without fermenting. Other good points were that they did not stink and they were able to run and play right up until the last day. I did lose one though when the...
  3. kelpieschick

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Wow! I got my processed birds back and I'm super impressed. My lowest weight was 4.36 and my highest was 6.7 dressed. I think the average was 5.7 dressed. There were WAY more big guys than small. These guys were fed FF twice daily, had fans on 24/7 the whole time and were outdoors all day...
  4. kelpieschick

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Thanks! It's 5:40 am here and we loaded them into their travelling crates and they are just chillin in my truck until it's time to leave. Went pretty smoothly. They know me well so I was only buffetted once. Not sure if the crates are small or the birds are large but putting seven of them in a...
  5. kelpieschick

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Thanks for the advice everyone! They are eight weeks old. For transporting them from the processing plant to home do you use a cooler with ice or just a cooler with no ice? Sorry for all the questions. I just want to do everything right. :)
  6. kelpieschick

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    It's my gangs last night tonight and though I'm sad, I'm also eagerly waiting to see how they will turnout weight wise and if they see any health concerns at the processing plant. This is the first time that I've ever raised meat birds so I don't have anything to compare it with but they seem...
  7. kelpieschick

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Just wanted to add a quick pic of my gang at four weeks old. We just finished their outdoor run so this is their first time outside (except for the time when they escaped). It's my first time doing this but I think they look mighty fine! :) Edited to add: Sorry about their dirty heads.. they...
  8. kelpieschick

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    That's what I used for my FF when the chicks were about a week and a half old. Before that I used a little round plastic chick feeder that is meant for feeding dry crumbles. I filled the base with FF and then put the plastic insert back on just so that nobody accidentilly crawled into the...
  9. kelpieschick

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I do this too. In the morning the feed is all swollen up but is like peanut butter or oatmeal on the top layer with the watery layer beneath it. There is usally a layer of the "mother" sitting on the top as well. I just scoop off 3/4's of the dryish stuff and feed them that. Then I stir up what...
  10. kelpieschick

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Hey everyone, my guys just turned 3 weeks old and are doing great. We've switched from their starter crumbles over to the 19% grower pellets which seem to ferment just as well. They smell slightly different than the crumbles when fermented and the birds like it slightly less but still clean it...
  11. kelpieschick

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Hey everyone, just updating that my birds are doing super well on the FF as well. They are still on their first bag of 22 % starter and will be switching over to their 19 % grower at the end of this week. They are exactly two weeks old today, they are feathering in really nicely and are eating...
  12. kelpieschick

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    The feed store where I work sells dry COB which is just a straight Corn, Oats, Barley mix without any added molasses, preservatives or vit/mineral pre-mix. Dairy ration is COB with molassess and vitamins and minerals added to suit the needs of cows. You should be okay to get straight COB. Or...
  13. kelpieschick

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    My guys will be a week old tomorrow and they are growing like weeds!! So far (knock on wood) everyone looks great. Some of them have their little tail feathers in already.. they are so cute! Using the FF and having the backup dry food is working really well for us. That way they are never...
  14. kelpieschick

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Good morning! I ended up having to change my system a little due to increased feed demands from the little stinkers. I work such long days that I can't fill their feeders full enough of the FF to last them until I get home again. So now I have their baby feeder full of dry crumbles and their...
  15. kelpieschick

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Thanks! That IS the coop ha ha. I am having a friend paint some pictures to hang on the wall. I can't decide on chickens, forks and plates (sick but would look sooo cool) or another theme. Something minimalist and arty. The tiles wont be visible once the birds are older because of the...
  16. kelpieschick

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Hello everyone! My chicks have arrived and are on day 4 of their FF experiment. Things I have observed: 1. They LOVE it! 2. They don't drink as much water as I was warned they would at the feed store. 3.Most of them have normal bird poops.. there are two that still have loose stool and one...
  17. kelpieschick

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    My chicks are coming tomorrow!!! I started fermenting my chick starter yesterday and so far it is just sitting there without bubbles. It was a bit too liquidy when I checked it this morning so I added another cup of starter and now it looks a bit better. It smells nice, like ACV, and has the...
  18. kelpieschick

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I'm very excited that my chicks come on Friday! I hope that I have everything ready. :) I bought my Braggs and I'm going to ferment the first batch of food tomorrow night. Fingers crossed!! :)
  19. kelpieschick

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Hello everyone, I am new to BYC, but I had to post on this thread first because I've been following all 35 pages with great interest and I am very thankful for the wealth of excellent information!! It really was a fabulous read. My little group of 25 meat birds will be here on May 25th and...
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