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  1. M

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    You're doing it Just Right...Patience is the key...I do not add anything to my fruit except distilled water. Early on, I had one batch that didn't start to ferment quick enough for me so I added a tablespoon of raw cane sugar and it turned out fine. "They" say that low sugar content in fruit...
  2. M

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    TexasLisa, that was ONLY a dream! (I hope!) LOL
  3. M

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Yeah, well me too...but Those "dad-blasted varmints"! Our safety zone is Sasquatch Proof! That's an inside joke, because about a month after we built our runs, I had a nightmare in which I was stalking Bigfoot with my "weapon of choice" and the thing kept running from me and hiding behind the...
  4. M

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Changing the subject...I make my own ACV. I started it a year or two ago when we got some free apples from a friend in S. Dakota. So, being the tight-wad that I am, I just had to try making ACV...easy-peasy. I have also made vinegar with pears from our Biscamp pear trees here. It is milder...
  5. M

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Great Big Southern: "Thanks Y'all!" to Beekissed and EVERYONE else who chimed in on my plea for help with my FF efforts! I was afraid that the really yucky stuff was too far gone & not good for them. I guess I will just crank up a new batch and keep on letting it "cook"...the maggot thing was...
  6. M

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Being in the Deep South, I have found that I have to stop using fermented feed for the Summers. It doesn't matter that I stir it religiously and keep it in the shade or under a roof, etc. to stay out of the sun. Can anyone give me pointers to prevent it from ruining...I don't have this problem...
  7. M

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Just thought some of you might like to know that in SW La. it is so hot and humid that I have stopped fermenting until it gets a little cooler and the flies aren't sooo bad...that stuff stinks like crazy and my flock seems happier eating grass, bugs and other goodies from the pasture. They...
  8. M

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Now that is quite interesting! I just love mulberries... I was wondering if you plan on taking cuttings and rooting them or using seeds. We have wild trees here as well as some domesticated varieties. My next question is how long it would take to grow a stand of trees into useful fodder...
  9. M

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    I was surprised, too, at how fast all my flock took to the FF! I bought a cute little bantam roo several weeks ago and he practically gorges on it. This is his first day on the ground with my pullets...such a big guy! This photo doesn't do his coloring justice...he is much brighter "in person"...
  10. M

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Trefoil - I enjoyed that info on the fermented feed...the website is really neat! THX!
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