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  1. Sidhe13

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Just stir it in.
  2. Sidhe13

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    My FF is absolutely full of maggots! Still ok to feed out?
  3. Sidhe13

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    @Beekissed haha that is awesome! I love hearing what other people do and don't do for their chooks...i figure if their chooks can survive then mine will too!
  4. Sidhe13

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    What DO you feed your chooks, @Beekissed? Treats, supplements, medication schedule, feeds and brands, etc....
  5. Sidhe13

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    My FF mix has seeds and grains in it... will it still be ok for ducks?
  6. Sidhe13

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    How do ducks go with FF?
  7. Sidhe13

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Have I mentioned the absolutely awesome results I have experienced from using fermented feed? My chooks put on weight and their feathers are glossy. Their poop stinks less and they are so much happier. And I use less food! There is no wastage or spillage and the amount of food they need to eat...
  8. Sidhe13

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    @Beekissed Terrific! Thanks!
  9. Sidhe13

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Hey guys. I am going away for a couple weeks and have scrapped out my buckets. The chooks will be on plain old boring pellets while I am away. The scrappings have yielded an ice cream container of FF that I will use to restart the buckets when I get back. What is the best way to store this?
  10. Sidhe13

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    I have read there is a maximum time for fermenting of 5 days. In fact, I have read a whole lot of stuff that all contradicts each other...I don't really know what to believe! Some say aerobic, some say anaerobic. Some say there is dangerous alcohol in the fluid, others say it is fine...most say...
  11. Sidhe13

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    It has been slim picking since the food bag got wet and my poor chooks have had to make do with whatever we can scrap together....but today is Day 3 of the fermented wet feed and it smells great! I just put some out and the chooks were happy to receive! So a bag of feed has veen saved! There is...
  12. Sidhe13

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    I mixed some up and added some acv...and noticed the similarity in smell to the wet crumble...this makes me hope that it will ferment fine! I mean, if it works, I have saved an entire bag of feed...if it doesn't, i made a real loss so it is worth a shot. I have been wanting to try...
  13. Sidhe13

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Thanks @stevethack!
  14. Sidhe13

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    My brand new bag of chick starter got wet over the weekend. Can I ferment it? It is medicated, does that make a difference?
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