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  1. chitownhens

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Quote: Even better then Paleo for diabetics would be to consider a Keto type diet or at least research it. We have a few outlets here in the States that offer organic soy free feed for those that wish to avoid phytoestrogens in their diet. It costs a little more but I believe it's cheaper...
  2. chitownhens

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    I only consume 100% pastured raised beef antibiotics............and I know my farmers including eggs that I purchase outside of the ones my hens produce. The farmer that raises the hens follows Joe Salatins method of rotating from pasture to pasture...
  3. chitownhens

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    aart..............oh I see what you are saying.............yes for I can eat the same thing day in and day out for years and really enjoy it. It doesn't benefit me in being able to see what type of effect a food may have on my performance when I do add something new.
  4. chitownhens

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Quote: I have learned to gather much of what I know from books whenever possible. You would think that by consuming so much cholesterol not only from all those eggs but also from the additional beef liver, etc that I consume that I would somehow be a heart attack waiting to happen. But if you...
  5. chitownhens

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Quote: I will still stick with soy free but you make an excellent point triplep..............fermentation might indeed make the soy safer. I eat a lot of eggs about a dozen a day for the last 15-20 years and very often more so I am a bit more particular due to the quantity. There is a...
  6. chitownhens

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Triplepurpose I can understand your point. It all depends on how far wants to take their personal health when it comes to soy. I am a competitive strength athlete and at 53 I have not been to a doctor in 31 years. For me it's worth the price to be completely soyfree. There are dozens and dozens...
  7. chitownhens

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Ladyearth you make a good point as I only use glass myself. I need to look into some foodsafe plastic buckets now that you mention it. I also mix the ferment with foods scraps i.e. burger, steaks, potatoes (peeled) green beans, etc so it's not just a bowl of gruel for them. My wife has access to...
  8. chitownhens

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    I made a real quick video on how I make fermented feed. I will also add some video of both before and after a couple of months of feeding the hens and any difference in appearance when I have the after video. So far they look much fuller with feathers in my opinion.
  9. chitownhens

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    I have 21 chickens and what I do is use drywall mud pans, a total of six. I mix food scraps and FF in each container and then bring it out and place it into holder I built with a few pieces of wood. One has a piece of wood held on by hinges that flips up and down to prevent the hens from...
  10. chitownhens

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Beekissed that's good to know. I'm used to fermenting vegetables and if they are submerged the liquid creates a barrier. I will remember to stir the feed...............thanks.
  11. chitownhens

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Anyone doing it? Yes How long have you been doing it? I started about 10 days ago. Your methods? I use a soy free layer feed in pellet form. The starter is a special strain I use to ferment my own vegetables and berries. I’m making enough feed to last 1-2 days and then starting...
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