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  1. goldnchocolate

    Bedding for chicks?

    I remember someone mentioning that they use chick starter (crumbles) for bedding. It makes sense since most of their starter gets lost under the bedding, anyway. When I clean out the brooder, after the chicks are moved outside, I am amazed at the amount of chick food that is in among the bedding...
  2. goldnchocolate

    Bedding for chicks?

    Maybe that is what I used. I got them at the feed store but assumed they were the same as fireplace pellets. They were very absorbent compared to pine shavings. I highly recommend them.
  3. goldnchocolate

    Bedding for chicks?

    I used to use pine shavings but the last time I brooded chicks I used the wood pellets that people burn in their pellet stoves. They worked out wonderful and I would never go back to shavings again. They are pretty inexpensive, too. I didn't find that they cut down on the dust that gets all over...
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