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  1. Miss Lydia

    Female Embden gosling won't eat

    All the baking i do[which isn't that much] I use duck eggs even though i have chickens. they do make everything so moist.
  2. Miss Lydia

    Female Embden gosling won't eat

    Well now your going to have to post pics of your ducklings on the duck thread then you'll be officially hooked. Buffs are so pretty you really made out didn't you. and lots of duck and goose eggs eventually
  3. Miss Lydia

    Female Embden gosling won't eat

    I love Rocks too, lol it's a good thing I do because there sure are alot of em around here, and your sis isn't too far from me. I like Trudy alot better. How many of the ducks survived and how are they doing? I'd still try to get some Nutri Drench, it's such an awesome product to have on hand...
  4. Miss Lydia

    Female Embden gosling won't eat

    Gertrude is bigger but Narcissus will catch up!! I am so happy for you that she seems to be out of danger now.. they are beautiful!
  5. Miss Lydia

    Female Embden gosling won't eat

    Thanks looking forward to seeing them...
  6. Miss Lydia

    Female Embden gosling won't eat

    okay now where's the pics?
  7. Miss Lydia

    Female Embden gosling won't eat

    Wonderful news... I know the only TSC close to us carries NB but I order mine on line since I have a pretty good size flock, but it would get what ever size you can so you can get them on it. but thats such good news, my only goose[gander] is an Embden. you'll love the breed.
  8. Miss Lydia

    Female Embden gosling won't eat

    when i am giving it to get rapid response I give it 4 times a day. just use a dropper and put a small amt. at the opening of the bill, you'll waste alot of it but you have to be very careful not to put too much into their mouth so they don't aspirate it into their lungs. you can probably get her...
  9. Miss Lydia

    Female Embden gosling won't eat

    I know your using the poly but get Poultry Nutri Drench and give it to her straight into her mouth just a small amt at a time though you don't want it going into her lungs.. She has made it this far this will hopefully give her the kick start she needs,
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