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  1. LeJeune1

    Raising one breed or more

    Oregon Blues, in response to your disagreement, in my example provided above the hens all lay a specific color egg- eg. Dominique's are brown. So if I only want to hatch pure Dominique- I only need to remove the non-Dominique Roo and collect and hatch only the Dominique eggs. I may not have...
  2. LeJeune1

    Raising one breed or more

    Practical- - - -hum- - it more work. but with 2 or more breeds, you can continut to produce 2 pure strans and 2 hybred strans. Also, different breeds have different personality traits that some folks prefer.
  3. LeJeune1

    Raising one breed or more

    With 2 or more roos, all you have to do is separate the roosters, leaving only the one you want to produce pure breeds. Having more than 1 breed is fun, and useful. For example, if you have Dominiques (Brown eggs) Leghorns (White Eggs), and Ameraucanas (Blue Eggs), you can tell what breed laid...
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