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  1. Coop de Grille


    Isn't she beautiful! I think I have a blue male too. The second one has to be a mixed since the it's not a FBCM or a Blue Maran. I think the blue male might be the third pure breed.
  2. Coop de Grille


    The mixed are eggs from barred rocks,cuckoo marans,and ameracana hens with a wheaton marans rooster. The pure breed eggs came from either Black French Copper Marans or French Blue Marans.
  3. Coop de Grille


    I bought 16 eggs, four of which were pure breed and 12 that were mixed breeds. 13 eggs hatched including three of the pure breeds. They hatched overnight and I have no idea which ones are which.
  4. Coop de Grille


  5. Coop de Grille


    My babies are four weeks old now and I'm still trying to figure out which ones are the pure breed Marans. Is this a French Black Copper Maran roo? Is this a Cuckoo Maran roo? Is this a French Blue Maran pullet?
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