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  1. jak2002003

    Unexpected helpful tool

    Oh, such a shame, but perhaps that bob cat did you a favour! Will you get another rooster? If you do I recommend you go to a farm or rescue place, and choose you own. You can then see what his personality is like before you get him.
  2. jak2002003

    Unexpected helpful tool

    How old is your rooster? I find that some of my teenager ones get I bit of an attitude as if they are trying to prove themselves to the flock. Once they mature a bit they calm right down. He should eventually realise you are the boss (if you keep putting him in the wire cage thing) and he...
  3. jak2002003

    Unexpected helpful tool

    Some of mine are in the metal dog crates too. They are very good because the poop all falls through the wires on the base, so the birds stay nice and clean. Also fixing in a roost branch is easy and the dog crates are very secure from predators (pythons where I am).
  4. jak2002003

    Unexpected helpful tool

    That is a great idea. I keep some of my roosters and hens under baskets and they are very light and easy to move around if I need to isolate a bird or chicks for any reason. You could make the wire into a dome to put over him. He is a can just see the baskets.........
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