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  1. gunnarwordon

    EGG SWAP (Columbia County, NY)

    how was it? wish i could have made it.
  2. gunnarwordon

    EGG SWAP (Columbia County, NY)

    My friend desperatly wants to sell his Hamburg pair, I can tell him about the swap.
  3. gunnarwordon

    EGG SWAP (Columbia County, NY)

    I CAN make it on 5/26, I can't guarantee bringing anything though.........
  4. gunnarwordon

    EGG SWAP (Columbia County, NY)

    May I suggest Goodwill/ Salvation Army............ I've gotten Armani, Hugo Boss, Burberry and Yves Saint Laurent suits all less than 10 dollars........................
  5. gunnarwordon

    EGG SWAP (Columbia County, NY)

    oops, can't make it,....... going to be away. maybe we should reschedule for a later date?
  6. gunnarwordon

    EGG SWAP (Columbia County, NY)

    Bee seminar that is
  7. gunnarwordon

    EGG SWAP (Columbia County, NY)

    are you going to the one at the Chatham Food Co-op?
  8. gunnarwordon

    EGG SWAP (Columbia County, NY)

    ****, I will try to make it........... cross our fingers and toes that there will be more than buff orpingtons though!
  9. gunnarwordon

    EGG SWAP (Columbia County, NY)

    i'll be there.......... it's a sunday right?
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