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  1. ellerfamilytrio

    Our mama chicken was killed by the neighbor's dogs....

    Thanks for the all the good advice! We have reintroduced the little chick back with the others, one hen does continue to peck at it but the baby just avoids that hen and it seems to work out. And it also did start back to eating on it's own the day or so before we put it back in the coop with...
  2. ellerfamilytrio

    Our mama chicken was killed by the neighbor's dogs....

    The mama was killed yesterday afternoon/evening and we have not seen the baby eat all day today (it may have had some while we were not around though). I will try the oatmeal and warm milk or scrambled eggs if it's not eating soon. And one of our other hens that seems to be most docile also...
  3. ellerfamilytrio

    Our mama chicken was killed by the neighbor's dogs....

    Yeah, that is a good idea... my husband was thinking about putting chicken wire down the middle of the bottom of our coop to separate them, but I don't know how we could make that stay in place (since both sides are removable). A separate cage nearby would probably work much better. We have...
  4. ellerfamilytrio

    Our mama chicken was killed by the neighbor's dogs....

    We have had four hens and one baby chick for about 2 1/2 to 3 months now and we have had to shoo the neighbor's dogs off a few times, we hadn't been able to build a pen for them yet, we have only had the coop. Of course, now we will be building a pen asap. But my main concern is the baby...
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