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  1. ChicKat

    Leg bands?

    What an adorable post--- what pretty chickens. What a great 'blog! Leg rings so you can tell them apart....LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you should post the picture!
  2. ChicKat

    Leg bands?

    Interesting idea about paint.... I have heard of people putting nail polish on chicken toenails....and wasn't it food color that they used to dye the chicks at Easter years ago?? Some harmless way to tell them apart would be great. Now my brain has some gears turning inside.
  3. ChicKat

    Leg bands?

    Would pipe cleaners pick up soil, droppings and water etc, when the chickens got into mud? The flexibility seems like a good idea, and they could easily be swapped out right? I like your idea. I will be looking for the responses from the BYC community too.
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