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  1. PuffyChick

    Do you enjoy making Jams, Jellies and Marmalade's?

    I am still waiting on my peach jelly to set. I did use pectin I just didnt cook it very long ( I followed directions for once dur) it said boil 1 minute and now I sit waiting for it to set LOL While I wait ..I got these beautiful little orange/tangarines at the store the other day on sale...
  2. PuffyChick

    Do you enjoy making Jams, Jellies and Marmalade's?

    When I do peaches this is how I get the peel to fall right off. First boil a big pot of water, throw the whole peach in the boiling water for 1 minute ..then take it straight out and drop it into a bowl of ice water. Once it cools back off the peach skin usually slips right off. You can make a...
  3. PuffyChick

    Do you enjoy making Jams, Jellies and Marmalade's?

    Here's my finished Blackberry Jelly.
  4. PuffyChick

    Do you enjoy making Jams, Jellies and Marmalade's?

    My daughter nagged me into going berry picking today. Thank god there was a wind at 10am it was already 89 degree's! We hung in there and managed to gather almost 2lb's of blackberries. So of course I made Blackberry Jelly! OMG this recipe is just to DIE for it is so good, turns out...
  5. PuffyChick

    Do you enjoy making Jams, Jellies and Marmalade's?

    The Fruits of my Labor! Peach Jam with a touch of Apple. (fingers crossed it sets up or it will be deemed Peach conserve and poured over pancakes and icecream! LOL)
  6. PuffyChick

    Do you enjoy making Jams, Jellies and Marmalade's?

    I scored at the grocery store today. I was walking past my fruit/veg man right when he was going over the slightly bruised peaches and I was like ..Dont throw those away I make jam, cut me a deal! So he did, he came to me with a beautifly wrapped bundle of about 4 lbs of ripe peaches! FOR...
  7. PuffyChick

    Do you enjoy making Jams, Jellies and Marmalade's?

    Thanks for the reply about apple butter. Do you need to water bath it? I was looking around for various 'jelly' recipes today and ran across this and thought ..WHAT A HOOT!! Corn Cob Jelly! I am so going to try this!
  8. PuffyChick

    Do you enjoy making Jams, Jellies and Marmalade's?

    Ohh I just recently discovered I have a LOVE for making Jelly! I did the gleaner thing and found a nice blackberry bramble and made us up some of the most awesome jam ever! Oh wow I am totally addicted. I am now looking at everything wondering how to make it into a jam/jelly. I really want...
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