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  1. rubbertoe9999

    whats the earliest youve had a chicken lay?

    coooool do you have pics that is strange but cool!
  2. rubbertoe9999

    whats the earliest youve had a chicken lay?

    thats such a nice looking one! all we have are wicker baskets where did you find that?
  3. rubbertoe9999

    whats the earliest youve had a chicken lay?

    yeah thats true maybe they all want to be near the open window to feel the cool draft diffrent breeds need diffrent maintenance maybe some needed to cool and some like the warmth also since these are hierarchy birds it may be that they roost depending on their levels i.e. top hen all the way to...
  4. rubbertoe9999

    whats the earliest youve had a chicken lay?

    actually as far as I know and learned as a newbie chickeneer :) they will roost at the highest point they can and if their huddling together its to keep warm :) I have three levels of roost in my coop and they seem to either use the top one or the edges of the nesting boxes :)
  5. rubbertoe9999

    whats the earliest youve had a chicken lay?

    no actually the original question was about what age they lay it just kinda took a u turn and went a diffrent way a bit :) but good info too . :)
  6. rubbertoe9999

    whats the earliest youve had a chicken lay?

    thats a good question i dont know can anyone tell us do all hens lay only in the morning ?
  7. rubbertoe9999

    whats the earliest youve had a chicken lay?

    kinda anxious and would like to see how early you have had a hen lay :D breed and age please *__* :)
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