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  1. rooaroo

    Egg bound??? HELP!

    I gave her a bath. She took it well. Her bum looks red today. She looks saggy now between her legs. Her belly is still squishy but it feels full and she did not like it when I was massaging. So I just kept her in the warm water for about 30 minutes and then another 15 sitting on my lap on a...
  2. rooaroo

    Egg bound??? HELP!

    Flockwatcher, thank you for always replying. I almost get frustrated asking questions on here because hardly anyone ever has an opinion but I can see many other threads where plenty had to say. I just appreciate you always helping me. I had chicken dreams all night, literally, and that she...
  3. rooaroo

    Egg bound??? HELP!

    Ok so here is my messed up hen story...My rooster was wounding two of my hens from mating so I separated them, cared for the wounds, and they are now scabbing. Since that day (4 days ago) one of the hens has not laid an egg. She seemed sleepy and lethargic the second day and had bile looking...
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