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  1. bruceha2000

    Weasel - gruesome detail warning. Need ideas to catch?

    Mate summer, deliver Spring. The babies leave the mother at 7-8 weeks. Given that, your attack start dates and their territory size, sounds like someone left home and found your place. Bruce
  2. bruceha2000

    Weasel - gruesome detail warning. Need ideas to catch?

    What I find on the "Long Tailed Weasel" (*) is that they are "solitary except during breeding season". That said, since you have one, if it is gone, another will likely take its territory eventually. If it is a pregnant female and you don't get rid of it, expect about 6 babies to join mom in...
  3. bruceha2000

    Weasel - gruesome detail warning. Need ideas to catch?

    Hmmm, not the weasels we have up here this time of year - they are ermines, very white except for the eyes and tip of their tail. Probably about the right size though. Don't know what else would have a tail like that. Not fox, coon, possum, squirrel (unless it is a SMALL squirrel). I found...
  4. bruceha2000

    Weasel - gruesome detail warning. Need ideas to catch?

    I suspect a house cat dismembering a rabbit isn't at ALL like picking a fight with a weasel. One is a prey animal, the other a predator with sharp claws, teeth and attitude. I wish you luck, you have lost WAY too many birds. I have HOPEFULLY protected my chicks in their coop from anything...
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