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  1. Nyowpotopop

    Making a true backyard chicken?

    Hey - all I wanted was to know if anyone had TRIED to make a breed like this and if they were INTERESTED in it. I never asked for a misguided lesson on genetics (claiming that temperment isn't inherited) and for 10 people to come in and mob me telling me it couldn't or shouldn't be done. But...
  2. Nyowpotopop

    Making a true backyard chicken?

    The problem I'm facing is that (except for dogs and cats which are required to be indoors as thier primary residence) chikcens may not be housed or MAINTAINED within 100 feet from my neighbor's houses. While - when I move - I will be on nearly 1/4th an acre I will not be allowed to utilize that...
  3. Nyowpotopop

    Making a true backyard chicken?

    See, but if I went and bought 12 silkies straight run and culled all the roos... I could still end up with loud birds. As a breed, nobody is breeding those birds to be quiet.
  4. Nyowpotopop

    Making a true backyard chicken?

    Thank you! My thoughts exactly, but apparently some people must know everything in the world and therefore any other ideas are irrelevant. What is the cream legbar...? I have never heard of it! *goes to look it up*
  5. Nyowpotopop

    Making a true backyard chicken?

    Having had neighbors that there is no way to bribe or reason with (like the people who live right below me now) I feel no confidence in offering up concessions as a secure way of keeping my birds. :| Though I will certainly be trying just that once I finally get out of this apartment...! Less...
  6. Nyowpotopop

    Making a true backyard chicken?

    Most city noise ordinances just say that if enough people complain then you have to get rid of it. In fact in certain major cities (take huston for example) animal noise is SEPERATE from other forms of noise (such as lawnmowers) and as long as your neighbors think it's a nusiance then the...
  7. Nyowpotopop

    Making a true backyard chicken?

    There's noise ordinances in most inner city or suburbs. It doens't matter if the noise is a constantly blasting radio or a living animal they will make you quiet or remove the source of the noise.
  8. Nyowpotopop

    Making a true backyard chicken?

    I think that a scenthound who sees no reason to bay will not make a peep. Same with Basenjis... My own quiet dog is a hound mix and when freaked out bays. Sometimes I will go WEEKS without hearing her make a sound. She's less talkative than my rabbits sometimes. Again - it's NOT about a bird...
  9. Nyowpotopop

    Making a true backyard chicken?

    Actually there ARE breeds that hardly ever bark. They're just not inclined to it. I actually own a mutt that actively does not like to bark. To her barking is like a chore - she avoids all noise when possible, even other barking dogs. Just look into Basenji's and you'll see what I mean. Also...
  10. Nyowpotopop

    Making a true backyard chicken?

    Right, so I figure... Why can't there be a whole breed bred soly tobe quiet? We breed other animals to be quiet (like dogs) and eventually by breeding the quieter individuals you could likely end up with a quiet breed of chicken that meets the needs of an urban chicken keeper. You may even get...
  11. Nyowpotopop

    Making a true backyard chicken?

    I have heard the exact opposite thing about all the breeds just listed from people too. People who have orps that scream at all hours and silkies that make a lot of noise (not to mention silkies are not good layer/meat birds)... So currently there is no one breed that's quiet. It's only...
  12. Nyowpotopop

    Making a true backyard chicken?

    Sourland - I asked for quiet breeds of chickens in another thread and was told to not get chickens and forget about it! (Rather discouraging for a site called "backyard chickens!") I think quiet is the #1 thing any breed that fits the rest of these things is missing... Cane most people I know...
  13. Nyowpotopop

    Making a true backyard chicken?

    So I have been wondering this for a while. Has anyone tried to make a true "backyard" chicken for urban chicken keepers? For people actually keeping in a back yard? And I am not talking about you lucky folks with "only" 3 acres to raise chickens on... I'm talking about us poor city saps who...
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