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  1. gg706

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    Thank You for the info....for me the hair and drooling may be a problem. Also we live in Georgia and the heat is constant, the dog would probably comfortable outside for a couple months a year. I feel like a long haired dog would really suffer here. I think I am leaning toward another Weim or...
  2. gg706

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    ME too! I hope.....Thanks for the advice! Maybe the second time will be "the charm"!
  3. gg706

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    I don't know about her the first email I sent I did ask but she did not specifically answer the question. I am going to get that question answered before driving up to Newnan (about a 45 minute drive) i am not sure why she didn't answer perhaps she missed it or maybe the dog has been...
  4. gg706

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    I wondered if she was pure as well......she has a VERY distinctive Weim face! The Weim we have now is our first purebred dog....she has been a dream to train! She fits into our family like she has always been here! I have heard some weims can be nightmares....Some of that I think can be...
  5. gg706

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    HELLO! We are back considering trying again....sometimes I think I am a fool and a gluten for punishment! I found a Weim/Lab at a rescue group. They require an approved application before we can proceed any futher. SO... IF we pass the screening, what should I look for personality wise...I...
  6. gg706

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    Thank You all for the advice. I am not sure that we will try again....IF we do I will NOT go back to the shelter. I am going to find a breeder of the chosen breed and go from there. I think y'all are right, the dogs I am going to find at this shelter will most likely have compromised...
  7. gg706

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    I went back and read this post......this is EXACTLY what I am afraid of......Now that the dog is the returned, even though it was difficult, I do feel I made the right decision. Losing everything we have worked so hard for in a dog bite lawsuit IS NOT where I want my future to go. As I was...
  8. gg706

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    They will refund the money..because it is within the 2 week trial period. But even if they wouldn't I would still take her back. IF she bit someone the medical bills or cost of being sued would be WAY MORE than $175.00, so I am cutting my losses. I hate to hear puppies snap alot....I have not...
  9. gg706

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    I am sad to say that Miley snapped again......Thank God it was me this time. So today she will be going back to the shelter. I still think it is from her experience at the shelter...she doesn't seem to have a nasty personality. But I feel with children in the house, mine as well as friend's...
  10. gg706

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    Thank You all for the kind words and encouragment! Things are going well. I do need to have him walk her more on a leash. He has been taking her out and walking the property with her following as she struggles ALOT when you put her on a leash and it bothers him to see her pull and yelp. BUT I...
  11. gg706

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    That is great information! Thank You! I am hoping then that Bella is letting her get away with it for now...... but will put her in her place when the pup is of age.
  12. gg706

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    Sorry forgot to quote, I don't know how to delete it....
  13. gg706

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    Thank You so much. I am just going to keep working with her.I think everything will work out also.
  14. gg706

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    Thank you for the info. I am glad I did the right thing...My instant reaction was to correct her, next time I am going to add to the correction and put her in her kennel as you have suggested.
  15. gg706

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    She hasn't had any outbursts like I described before. But the pup was laying on the floor to the left of my chair I was sitting in and Bella came over to lay by my feet as she always does, and Miley (the pup) growled. I said NO to her...not sure if I should have done that... I just don't want...
  16. gg706

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    Had a question Kansas Prairie.....IF the pup goes after my Weim (Bella) and Bella runs from her should I correct the pup? Or if the pup growls at Bella should I say no and correct her? Or let them be?
  17. gg706

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    Thank You for the kind words Kansas Prairie and Verity! It gives me encouragement. The pup does lay back and show her belly, so I feel good about that. So far my Weim has let the pup get away with everything! From eating out of her food dish to taking a chew from her. It kind of suprised me...I...
  18. gg706

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    My Weim is VERY submissive. She has been on family reunion vacations were everyone had their dogs with them so there were 6 or 7 dogs running around. They all got along very well. The only one who didn't like Bella (my Weim.) was a Minature poodle of my Brother in laws...Bella avoided him and...
  19. gg706

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    Thanks! Yes, I can see how being away from her litter mates could be very scary. People see bringing the dog home and "rescuing it" as a great and happy thing. And even though the "shelter" was terrible, coming here to our house was probably at the time, MORE stressful than going back to the...
  20. gg706

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    Thank You for your warm wishes. I looked up walker hounds she does have a bit of that look about her. maybe a beagle and hound of some sort mixed
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