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  1. leadwolf1

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    However, I think we should get back on topic. A healthy, happy, non- aggressive puppy no matter where it comes from or, what its breeding is what the OP needs for her son..should they decide to try again.
  2. leadwolf1

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    Pyrometria... 2 litters in one year for a young healthy female dog is not overbreeding. Continuing to breed her like that year after year...that would be cruel.
  3. leadwolf1

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    You are right...semantics. Everyone has their own definition. Just like, what do you consider a big breeder? Anyone that raises more than 2 - 3 litters a year, in my opinion is not doing it for the love of the breed..but, that is my opinion. That's why blanket statements should not be used.
  4. leadwolf1

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    What some of us are saying is that not all BYB are irresponsible. There are many that get just as many tests done on their dogs as the big breeders. They just don't breed in the volume that others do. I have spent $300 for a dog and I've spent $1800. So far, the best dog that I have owned...
  5. leadwolf1

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    The absolutely best dog I ever owned was from a 'backyard breeder'..granted he started breeding because he didn't like the way the breed was being, he had done his homework and bought great breeding material. I don't think that I will ever find a better dog and trust me, thousands...
  6. leadwolf1

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    I have raised many puppies, yes, puppies use their mouths as hands but, I have never had a 'snapping' puppy. A 'snap' is not acceptable, ever. I raise Akitas...a dog you never want to start out with if it snaps! I would not keep a snapping puppy. I wouldn't care what the breed. There are...
  7. leadwolf1

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    I would not allow the pup to get the best of Bella...she is your dog and deserves to keep her place as such. Sorry that I haven't had a chance to return your PM...I will, I promise, when things settle down around here. The puppy is supposed to be your son's, yet, she is claiming you. When...
  8. leadwolf1

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    She is very cute :) I think you can stop worrying...she doesn't look at all like a Jack Russell to me. Plus, at 10 weeks old she is way too big!!! I think she is going to mature into a medium dog, at least! How much does she weigh?
  9. leadwolf1

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    Do you have a dog warden? There just has to be some higher up governing body that can oversee these operations. If you have a local 4H that has a dog obedience/showmanship class, that would also be a great place for them to belong. Check it out before you join and make sure that the...
  10. leadwolf1

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    Why in the world would the shelter have large dogs in with puppies??????? I am appalled to say the least! They are teaching those pups to be dog aggressive for their own safety. Can you call someone with your concerns? That is way, way out of line! I wouldn't have returned her either.
  11. leadwolf1

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    I can not guarantee that it can be changed. I can tell you what you can do to hopefully change the behavior. If it is a jack russell, it is an altogether different animal, as terriers are quite a different story than sporting dogs. I am not a terrier lover. I don't like their need to hunt...
  12. leadwolf1

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    That's why, I don't do shelter dogs. I know, I is the right thing to do but, I have found that people dump problem animals without full disclosure. The dogs behave differently in a shelter environment and when you get them home, they totally change. I know that there are many...
  13. leadwolf1

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    Congratulations :) I can't wait to see pictures, she sounds absolutely perfect for a little boy!!
  14. leadwolf1

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    I am not a GSP fan...I would find that breed to be a bit much for a young boy to handle.
  15. leadwolf1

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    This also happened with dalmations and many other breeds that were shown as 'cute' in movies. Improper breeding has ruined many a dog breed :(
  16. leadwolf1

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    I don't believe this to be misinformation at all...maybe some of the facts but, the video was important. It serves to remind us that we all can make mistakes. Children especially love to stick their faces in others faces, people and animals, alike. Some breeds don't mind this. Fighting dogs...
  17. leadwolf1

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    Most places set up a meeting for all pets and the new animal before they allow the new family to go home. It is a great way to make sure that the animals fit! No matter how wonderful a dog is with other dogs or pets, they can find one that they just don't like. Just like people...all dogs...
  18. leadwolf1

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    My husband has never had anything to do with the dog that bonded with him. I trained, showed, fed, groomed and did everything with this dog...yet, he is not mine.
  19. leadwolf1

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    Personally, I would not pick a pit or pit/mix for a child. As you say, there is just too much 'dog language' there that can be missed by a child. I have no personal problems with pits and I think they can make great pets. I just wouldn't want my child to start out with one as his first dog...
  20. leadwolf1

    Help!....My son wants a dog!

    If you are feeding morning and evening, have your son watch the dog for 15 minutes. Whatever isn't eaten is taken away until the next feeding. There is nothing left down for the mice to enjoy.
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