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  1. BYC Project Manager

    Ended 150,000 BYC Members? Guess the DAY & HOUR & Win!

    Ok, we have some winners!!!! Chickenosaurus, 8/20/12 @ 10:00 PM Autumn D, 8/22/12 @ 12:12 AM ONSTAD1, 8/22/12 @ 10:00 PM Chickenosaurus will be receiving a 1 year GFM for themselves or a friend, and Autumn D and ONSTAD1 will each receive a 6 month GFM for themselves or a...
  2. BYC Project Manager

    Ended 150,000 BYC Members? Guess the DAY & HOUR & Win!

    WOOT! BYC hit 150,000 members at 8:16 AM EST today!! We'll be going through the submissions in this thread to find the winners that posted before the deadline on 7/23!
  3. BYC Project Manager

    Ended 150,000 BYC Members? Guess the DAY & HOUR & Win!

    Ok, no more guesses! (A few days late... but oh well.) Keep a close eye on the front page of the site and maybe you'll be the first one to post a reply here on the exact time we hit the magic number!!! (no prize for that... you'll just show how cool you are to be watching the counter!)
  4. BYC Project Manager

    Ended 150,000 BYC Members? Guess the DAY & HOUR & Win!

    Winners announced here! This contest is brought to you by our BYC Sponsors (click to view/ support them) BYC is still growing like crazy! People all over the world are recognizing how wonderful it is to raise backyard chickens. Well, when these peeps search the interwebs they often...
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