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  1. 1MrsMagoo

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    I hate the time change Celtic. I have to start putting the animals up around 5:15 PM (central time) and it is completely dark by 5:30-ish. They can't be let out until around 7 AM, so they are only getting 10 hours outside a day right now. My body is still on its old clock, meaning I get up...
  2. 1MrsMagoo

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    Wow. First glad you and your hubby as well as horses came through he Kamikaze deer incident okay. Also, so very glad you have such a wonderfully skilled vet and the Spirit did well with her surgery. What a little can't help but love her!
  3. 1MrsMagoo

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    Oh, I have several Purina dealers close by and one is my regular dealer, but none of them would ever order squat when I asked them in the past. I am going to try my regular feed dealer again this weekend when I go spent a few hundred bucks for a month's worth of feed. Last month, they DID order...
  4. 1MrsMagoo

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    Sorry to hear the flock raiser didn't work. While it is nice to save money, it isn't worth doing at the expense of your birds. Gosh, I wish somebody here carried the Mazuri feed. I have asked a few stores to order it for me, but the only response I got was a look like I had two heads. Also...
  5. 1MrsMagoo

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    I don't know about how long step-in posts last in Utah, but here I get about 2-3 years out of them. After that, they become brittle and start to break from the constant UV exposure. However, they are SO affordable, that they are cheap to replace when they finally do break. You could also use the...
  6. 1MrsMagoo

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    VERY clever use of PVC pipe. That is awesome!!!!
  7. 1MrsMagoo

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    That is so awesome. Gosh, I bet it was so tempting to just scoop her up and hug her! I can't wait for the day she wants in your lap.....
  8. 1MrsMagoo

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    Hey we aren't greedy...wish I could have convinced old Isaac to keep a little bit more back for everyone up north in need of rain. Either way congratulations on getting rain so you can have grass for your feather kids!!!!
  9. 1MrsMagoo

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    Her little stubby neck and big head is kind of adorable.
  10. 1MrsMagoo

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    Too bad my husband would kill me...cause I kind of like the funny looking buff girl: She has character. Maybe if I beg he'd let me get her to put in with the pet flock......
  11. 1MrsMagoo

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    Yes Ma'am.
  12. 1MrsMagoo

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    Iain, Obviously, I missed a lot over the last few days. However, from this post alone I take it that some less than pleasant stuff went down and all I can say is sorry this is happening to you. My mother always used to say, no good deed goes unpunished and always thought that to be pretty...
  13. 1MrsMagoo

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    Thanks Miss Lydia. All in all, the worst part was juggling the generator. If we wanted to run the well pump, we had to shut off the fridges. So, we made many trips to the electrical panel (we have a bypass box where we can switch our incoming power to the generators). Luckily, it was nice and...
  14. 1MrsMagoo

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    Hello from wet wild SE Louisiana! The storm has finally moved from being right on top of us and the wind and rain have slowed considerably. Everyone here made it through the persistent pest Isaac pretty well with minimal damage. We lost three trees and last night a section of my chicken coop...
  15. 1MrsMagoo

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    Aww...hugs to you both.
  16. 1MrsMagoo

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    Great work Iain and Celtic. Not only have you managed to save all the geese, but more than likely have done a great deal through your postings to help the other fowl and poultry needing homes as well. Iain, I really have to say that I am very impressed with not only the efforts, but the amount...
  17. 1MrsMagoo

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    Options D, E, and G get my vote with my overall preference being E: Somehow it just fits the facade of your house. Good luck choosing! As to the NPIP discussion: I emailed my state vet about being tested the first week of June. Our local NPIP tester called the next week and I had my test date...
  18. 1MrsMagoo

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    Gosh, sounds like one of my Seriously though, I am very glad that you, your husband, and all the geese made the trip safely. I know what kind of torturous trip that many miles in those few of hours can be (We moved ourselves from NE Ohio to SE Louisiana...made multiple...
  19. 1MrsMagoo

    Goose lovers – please help!!

  20. 1MrsMagoo

    Goose lovers – please help!!

    That is one trailer that would be welcome at my house any day! I bet she is dead tired and I am really glad that everybody made it okay! Thanks for posting the picture for us Shellie!
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