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  1. 21hens-incharge


    :frow I am sure there are more up here. Maybe everyone is just super busy with work, home, gardens, and life stuff.
  2. 21hens-incharge


    I am just north of Johnstown. :frow
  3. 21hens-incharge


    Mine are on track so far. I have Honey Locust, Ash, Peach, Flowering Pear and a volunteer choke cherry. Some of my 7' tall shrubs are being slow. It was a dry (ish) winter. I wouldn't worry to much until that first week of June.
  4. 21hens-incharge


    Battened down here. So far it's not to bad. It's cold and breezy but no high winds here yet.
  5. 21hens-incharge


    I was responding to Percheron chicks post about getting a load of inexpensive cull lumber. If it sent you a notification I truly don't know why. Summer is my crazy busy season and I am in Loveland so unable to help with your flock.
  6. 21hens-incharge


    Hi lin9!! :frow You found me if it was me you were looking to respond to. Anything in particular on your mind?
  7. 21hens-incharge


    Great haul!! Gardening season is fast approaching isn't it. I was potting up some of my seedlings and man that greenhouse has gotten hot already.
  8. 21hens-incharge


    For that breed it doesn't meet standards but single comb is not unheard of from hatchery stock. To me that breed, that comb color at this age says male.
  9. 21hens-incharge


    What breed is this bird supposed to be? Where did you get it?
  10. 21hens-incharge


    Mothers day so roughly 10 weeks old. If not already crowing it should be soon. That red of a comb has me thinking male.
  11. 21hens-incharge


    Welcome! Black australorp are wonderful birds! I am sure you will have fun with them. They have always been very calm even tempered birds in my experience. I tried to donate my extras here in Loveland. The food bank told me they can only accept grocery store FDA inspected eggs. That was a...
  12. 21hens-incharge


    I have given chicks that old to a broody but she was one that would brood anything and even when she had 6 chicks would cluck at an entirely new batch in a different coop. All you can do is try. If it works that's GREAT. If not it's back to the brooder.
  13. 21hens-incharge


    You may need to brooder raise the chicks or get the broody set up in a rat proof area before trying again. I would also stuff steel wool in the hole they made and cap it with a piece of metal roof flashing. If it doesn't stop them it will at least slow them down.
  14. 21hens-incharge


    If they are getting in the coop and not just the run you may need to figure out exactly where they are getting in and close all gaps. What is your set up like for your broody hen?
  15. 21hens-incharge


    Holy bats! I hate rats. I don't think they will pass up a chicken nugget. 🤔 Can you put rat bait stations out? D-con seems more effective than other brands at least on the mice here.
  16. 21hens-incharge


    Yes the trying during the day may have been the issue. She was fully awake so knew something was up. The only breed I have had that accepted chicks day or night without issue was bantam cochins. I really like them for chick raising. Give it a shot tonight and she might turn out to be a great...
  17. 21hens-incharge


    The idea of introducing at night is the hen will be in that weird sleep state and by dawn she will have been exposed to chicks wiggling and peeping for several hours thereby not as surprised by it all. Many hens will peck a chick for popping out when she thinks they should stay under. That...
  18. 21hens-incharge


    Good question. I would be extremely vigilant the first few days. If she is showing them food, clucking to them while holding food in her beak and allowing hem to snuggle under her that's when you are in the clear. If she is repeatedly pecking them or screaming at them I wouldn't let her around...
  19. 21hens-incharge


    Well she certainly has been broody long enough. If you try at night use the dimmest light possible. Slide one chick under and wait. She should not stir much and should make purring type noises. Once she has settled with that chick you can add another. If she gets nasty then maybe motherhood...
  20. 21hens-incharge


    What breed is the hen? How long has she been broody?
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