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  1. Denverchickee


    Tomorrow Joyful Noise Farm is supposed to get their shipment of chicken feed delivered. It was due on Friday but didn't happen. I normally wouldn't cut it so close but our schedules weren't meeting up, me living in Denver. I sure hope so it comes. I used the last scoop yesterday. Now back to...
  2. Denverchickee


    4 EGG DAY!!!!! I can't remember the last time that happened!!!!! So 4 outta of 7 (should be 8 thou) I dream of the day all 8 would lay, or even 6 a day a couple days a week would make me happy! Anyway I am stoked. Maybe we won't need to build a second coop if things start looking...
  3. Denverchickee


    Today I got the egg on the bottom who I'm pretty sure came from Blue. The egg on ltop I got 2 of this week. I think those are the Egyptain. Either way so excited!!!! Brings my egg total so far for the week 13.
  4. Denverchickee


    Good luck. I need to be doing some coop cleaning this weekend too!!!
  5. Denverchickee


    Stopping in to say hi!! Hope everyone is having a great weekend. I am happy to be home and having a casual relaxing day. I love Saturday and Sundays I get to spy on the coop to see whos doing what. Last I looked there was a RIR, NHR and BA all in one nesting box? Silly birds. I am super...
  6. Denverchickee


    My only experience was this spring when we had lots of snow. I have sand in the coop it just stayed wet for days and was awful. First chance I had I dug it out with a shovel and replaced with new sand. I wore a respirator. It wasn't so bad until you started digging down in.....all i can say...
  7. Denverchickee


    Whoa what a difference!!! Thank for the congrats and the photo. This is gonna have me guessing even more of which hen laid that egg yesterday.
  8. Denverchickee


    I think I got my first Egyptian egg!!!! Finally!!! @ 24 weeks! Or could be Blue but I think her eggs will be larger.
  9. Denverchickee


    Mine will peck at my tattoos. Or anything shiny!!
  10. Denverchickee


    Hi friends!! Hope all is well with y'all! Still waiting on my newbies to lay their eggs. I think my Blue girl sorta did a squat the other day and she is loud as ever, but she is just not coming on with eggs! And if my Egyptian if her comb gets anymore red it looks like its blood red. She is...
  11. Denverchickee


    Good Morning BYC folks!!! Hope y'all have a great day!! Im going strawberry picking! wish me luck!! Im hoping to get 12#
  12. Denverchickee


  13. Denverchickee


    Sure are, been feeding this since July 5 Oyster shell and many other treats.....(shrugging shoulders)
  14. Denverchickee


    Omgosh Wendi me too!!!! This driving me freaking nuts!!!! Seriously 28 & 24 weeks??? It makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong?!!! I'm about to take a pan of hot sizzling grease out there!!!!!
  15. Denverchickee


    Tell me about. She is a blue Andalusian. Her comb is red. I keep saying any day now. I got her as a 3 day old chick in feb. she is kinda flighty, nervous little thing. So I have been attributing that to her not laying yet?
  16. Denverchickee


    Yes I have been using the above tactics for introduction and believe in it. I guess I was just wondering more if its a waste of my time shooeing them away and trying. a majority of my flock respects me for most part I think. So I was wondering if they work as other animals do and I correct...
  17. Denverchickee


    ????????? open topic for discussion please: Do chickens "know or understand" correction or "NO" as other animals do?? Example: Hen picking on new member of flock and you in a gentle way attempt to protect new hen and redirect other hens attention or push outta the way with a NO, maybe a...
  18. Denverchickee


    Me too Wendi. Week 24 & 28 for me. I am fortunate enough to not have to purchase eggs but THE WAIT is sooooo antagonizing...... (yes in my head im whining and stomping my foot)
  19. Denverchickee


    Out with the Roo and in with a 16 week bantam Wyandotte. My Wyandotte friends please give me the details of this pretty breed!!
  20. Denverchickee


    The breeder called is going to take back the rooster and replace him with a laying or almost laying hen!!!!!! WOOT WOOT is right!!! this made my day!!! Restores my faith in people a little more today!! Now if I could just get a new egg, is that asking too much????
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