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  1. cluckcluckgirl


    I would like to have a test-run on hatching eggs if anyone is willing to. I have a new rooster who has taken a liking to most of my hens and am wondering if anyone would like some hatching eggs to try out. The eggs will not be a purebreed as the rooster is a Golden Laced Wyandotte and my hens...
  2. cluckcluckgirl


    Welcome to BYC and this thread!
  3. cluckcluckgirl


    Where are you located?
  4. cluckcluckgirl


    Does anyone have any young hens for sale? Any breed.
  5. cluckcluckgirl


    He's very beautiful. Looks a lot like my Wyandotte cockerel. I hope you can find a home for him.
  6. cluckcluckgirl


    Wendell- I'm also sorry about your loss. It's never easy to lose one who was your soul mate. But just remember: you two will always be together in each other's hearts, the very thing that brought you together.
  7. cluckcluckgirl


    Welcome to the thread! And
  8. cluckcluckgirl


    How cute! Congrats!
  9. cluckcluckgirl


    Welcome to BYC and this thread! Haha, yep, you gotta watch out for chicken math!
  10. cluckcluckgirl


    Did anyone hear of the fire at the Martin Drake power plant in Colorado Springs?
  11. cluckcluckgirl


    Welcome to BYC and the thread!
  12. cluckcluckgirl


    I looked up tetracycline and found it at wal-mart's website as a medication for fish. Is that it?
  13. cluckcluckgirl


    We bought her from a feed store, so I believe she is a production bred RIR. I gave her some Nutri-Drench directly this morning. What antibiotics can I give her? We have some amoxicillin, so can I give her some of that?
  14. cluckcluckgirl


    I have a 2 year old RIR who has been acting slow these past couple days. Today she didn't even want to come out of the coop, so I checked on her. Her tail was down, she was puffy, and her comb was not as bright as usual. She had poop around her vent, which I cleared away. I suspected she might...
  15. cluckcluckgirl


    Welcome to BYC and the thread!
  16. cluckcluckgirl


    Welcome to BYC and this thread!
  17. cluckcluckgirl


    Welcome to the thread!
  18. cluckcluckgirl


    And welcome to the thread!
  19. cluckcluckgirl


    If anyone is interested in buying a female duck of 2 years of age, please PM me. We're willing to meet anyone in the Colorado Springs area.
  20. cluckcluckgirl


    We are looking to sell our almost 2 year old female duck. We don't know her breed, but believe her to be a White Aylesbury or Pekin. Please PM me if you want a picture or are interested. My computer won't let me access her picture right now, so I will try later. We are willing to meet anyone in...
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