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  1. madileana


    All four of my chicks are doing great, even the one I helped hatch. My silkie, Hatchimal Collectable, injured her leg. I think it might be broke, so I wrapped it with vet wrap and she has been hanging out with the chicks. She is very gentle with them and doesn't peck them at all. I don't think...
  2. madileana


    Everyone who was going to hatch, did. It was an amazing experiance for both the kids and myself. The little Ayam chick is like a baby song bird. She wants to be snuggled and held. The one I helped hatch is just fine. She had spraddle leg but I fixed her up with her wrap and she is totally normal...
  3. madileana


    Does anyone else have an Ayam? This chick is nothing like the others! It is totally wild
  4. madileana


    I played this video to my eggs last night: It's the sound of chicks happily chirping and bam, one pipped. It hasn't hatched yet, but has a pretty good size hole. I was so happy and I played the video again this morning and bam, the other one pipped. It's like magic, they love the sound of other...
  5. madileana


    Well, today is day 21 for my three eggs in the incubator I made and one egg has been chirping for about 6 hours now, but still no pipping. I am hoping with all my might they hatch. :jumpy :fl
  6. madileana


    I'm so sorry to hear that. Tomorrow is day 21 for the three I have in the incubator and I'm worried about my Orust egg. The Ayam egg has been moving around in there a lot. I have never incubated eggs so I'm hoping it's a good sign. I feel your pain on the broody hen issue. What makes them like...
  7. madileana


  8. madileana


  9. madileana


    I had goats growing up and they are absolutely wonderful. I won't be getting a goat anytime soon, I just really want one. I would start with one and bond it to my border collie Emmett. I'm about to redo my chicken run so they don't run wild all day and my bc is about to loose his all day job...
  10. madileana


    I live in the springs as well and if you’re interested in a meet up I’d be happy to show you my flock and what we went through the first few years till now. We have gone through hawks and raccoons, ampuatation and now our first broody hen. We are in the process of rebuilding our chicken run by...
  11. madileana


    It seems like fun, but I wouldn’t want anything to happen to my chicken. If I don’t end up going out of town, I definitely want to go. I have been thinking of getting a goat. :love
  12. madileana


    I wussed out and helped it. Thankfully it had already absorbed the yolk. It seems a little wonky, but I guess only time will tell. I have one more peeping in the egg. It would be best if it hatched tonight and I could get it when it’s finished. That will give the others time to finish growing. I...
  13. madileana


    This is her first time going broody and I could tell she was confused by the chick. One had just piped ans had a fairly good size hole and she pecked the egg and it started bleeding, I took it in with the other chick, but the brooder wasn’t humid enough for the egg to progress much and it just...
  14. madileana


    My polish hen went broody and today the eggs started hatching, right on schedule! The problem is that I had to take the first chick away from her because she got off her nest and started pecking at it. I have another that pipped an hour ago, is she going to kill the chicks? She I just take them...
  15. madileana


    These are my newest babies, I got them from Buckly's. I get most of my chicks from Buckly's and I love the store. I am a little concerned this little EE is a roo! She doesn't have the row of three spikes on her comb, but the others don't have a comb at all, she is also the leader. Could she be a...
  16. madileana


    My Big Red
  17. madileana


    Sorry for the late response, I have been out of touch. My guess is white leghorn??
  18. madileana


    My wedding band is from this designer Alex Monroe and look what I just found on his website. My hubby has been so good to me because my Bday and Mother's Day were so close. I need an excuse to need this!!!! I really am a bad wife...
  19. madileana


    Sorry, Kingkoopa sounded like a manly Mario name. I wish I could take some of your hens, I have fallen in love with EE's. I'll ask my hubby, but I'm not sure he will allow me to bring in another chicken for awhile after the mauled wing fieasco. :( Can you post some pictures of your lovely little...
  20. madileana


    That's a total load. They should make it more clear for people. It's amazing to me that the city can dictate what people are allowed to have in their back yards. Some jerk neighbor must have turned her in.
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